Jun 13, 2003 00:55
Current taste: peach snapple
Current hair: hasn't been cut since last august.
Current thing I ought to be doing: reading
Current desktop picture: euthanasia canidates
Current favorite band: kalibas
Current book: there's quite a few.. baby
Current crush: CRUSHED
Current favorite celeb: oh my god there is so many.
Current hate: weather forcasts
=The last time=
Last movie you saw: the cabinet of dr. caligari
Last thing you had to drink: peach snapple
=Do I=
Remember your first love?: toy machine.. welcome to hell
Still love him/her?: owned.
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: probaly
Believe in miracles?: That good things happen with no reason? yes. That god makes then happen? sure
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: sure.
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: absolutly not
Consider love a mistake?: possibly
Like the taste of alcohol?: considerably
Have a favorite candy?: nahhh
Believe in astrology?: sure
Have any pets: some cats
Go to or plan to go to college: it's in the works
Wear hats?: quite often
Have any piercings?: nahhhhhh
Have any tattoos?: a few
Have an obsession?: tons
Have a secret crush?: word up
Do they know yet?: ?!?!??!!
Have a best friend?: yes a couple
Wish on stars?: darkstar
Like your handwriting?: suree
Care about looks?: not much
=Love life=
First crush: kindergarden
First kiss: if i remember correctly like 6th grade
Single or attached?: what
Ever been in love?: with inanitimate objects
Do you believe in love at first sight? yes
Do you believe in "the one?": maybe
Describe your ideal significant other: smarts.
=Juicy stuff=
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: yes
Favorite place to be kissed?: hmmm
have you ever been caught "doing something?": nope
Are you a tease?: nope
Shy to make the first move?: sometimes
=Are you a=
Wuss: no, i kick ass.
Bitch/Asshole: fuck that
Sarcastic: often
Goody-goody: ha
Talkative: not really, sometimes very.
Joker: matters what crew i'm rollin with
=Word association=
Rubber gloves: permanent markers and electric wires
Rock: kcor
Green: reflection in your eyes
Wet: ricky lake w/ dust addicts
Cry: a mountain
Peanut: woodstock.
Hay: that sound from overrunned capacitators on the side of the road
Cold: valhalla
Steamy: the crater at dimmu borgir
Fast: those kids on that trivia channel
Freaky: fat black chicks
Rain: solitude
Bite: 3,000
Blow: power stations.
Hard: anti-consumerism
10 Movies You Can't Live Without:
1. welcome to hell
2. lock, stock and two smoking barrells
3. last of the mohigans
4. big lebowski
5. half baked
6. adaptation!
7. bottle rocket
8. the holy mountain
9. seven
10. the island at the top of the world
9 Artists That Are Important to You:
1. dali
2. da vinci
3. close
4. christo
5. rauschenberg
6. warhol
7. rembrant
8. mantegna
9. escher
8 People You Couldn't Live Without:
1. gamena
2. stiorna
3. vali
4. maveniti
5. sacco & vanzetti
6. starthir
7. lazer
8. forsetti
7 Things that Annoy You:
1. obliviousness
2. probability
3. impatience
4. stupidity
5. noise overload v4.6777778
6. this is begining to
7. recently my own meticulousness.
6 of Your Favorite Songs at This Moment:
1. .
2. .
5 Lies You Wish Were True:
1. humans are not
2. humans are red
3. humans are rob
4. humans are ore
5. humans are 3.0
4. Favorite Books:
(i'll do authors)
3 Albums You've Bought Recently:
1. pig destroyer - thirty eight counts of batters
2. ruhaeda - self titled
3. inhumanity - violent resignation
2 People That Have Influenced Your Life:
1. ohhh
2. that's private.
1 Thing You Could Spend the Rest of your Life With:
1. hopefully myself.