just thoughts

Nov 28, 2009 20:42

I'm stitching costumes today for a train with square wheels and a snowman and the Abominable Drag Beast of the North and a My Little Hitler doll (complete with goosestep action!) ... all for a wonderful holiday show that spoofs the 1970s (1960s?) claymation TV show Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Remember the Island of Misfit Toys? Well, ours has a My Little Hitler doll too. Talk about misfits. And remember how Dolly didn't seem to be a misfit at all? Well, she's a sexual deviant. We think. Or so it's rumored......

Also I'm considering gender, and whether it might be typically used as a tool of empire (for "empire" read: the oppressive system/spirit that drives a given society. The system of privilege.). Of course it CAN be used as such a tool; nearly anything can, I should think. But is it, typically?

Yeah. I don't know. Wonder what Facebook'll say. I've asked the F.B. world what they think. Should be interesting to hear (a) from my super-evangelical not-very-thoughtful old friends from my Texas high school (most of whom are still IN Texas, bless their hearts) and (b) from my evangelical-but-much-wiser relatives-in-law who still call God "He" but have a faith I admire. As well as everyone else, of course. Hm. We shall see.

How are you doing??
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