(no subject)

Jun 18, 2005 23:47

last night esther and i went out to the square and i had a lot of fun, go figure.

we went to the show (matadors/klopeks/heatskores) HATED IT! i dunno why, but it was driving me crazy. i think 3 hours or so, without a break was too much for me. that put me in a grumpy mood.

then we walked around a bit, went back to the square and got our drink on, and of course i was in a better mood.

we (esther, jolene, brandon and i) all sat around, chilled, drank, talked and in comes tom and richard (who had broken up with his gf 2 hours prior, for good reasons of course) so he was upset and he felt awkward cause she was there. so we talked about it and whatnot. he's very sweet.

THEN! megan, meghan, ryan and geoff show up! this i did not expect. it was so much fun. i love them.

everyone danced, quite a bit at that too.

then we decided to leave and hit up mikados, but i decided to stay and talk with melanie (rich's now ex) and we complained about boys and talked about hair, girl stuff. i said it before and i'll say it again, i really enjoy her.

while talking to her, mark shows up and is heading home, but instead we went downstairs of the square and danced a bit. he went home, i went to mikados but couldnt find anyone, then i saw kevin and he hung out with me and then i found esther. yay.

after that, home time.

twas a good night.


as for this evening, i went to esther's parents house for a BBQ. hotdogs, cheeseburgers, steak, salad, beer, dessert, ice cream. ugh i feel sick. hahaha. i can't believe she leaves the day after tomorrow. she made these little cards and wrote in them and told us not to read them until she wasnt around (too emotional), but when she left the room we all read them and it made me so upset. i hate this. so so much. she gave her family cards too and everyone got really emotional. i can't deal with that kind of stuff. if someone cries, i cry. it fucking sucks.

i'm REALLY going to miss her. no one has any idea.

i love her.

/the End.
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