Re: Individual Experiments 10/07

Oct 06, 2008 21:18


We have selected the following participants to take part in the individual experiments this week. Thank you for volunteering.

1) Reborn
2) Dora Folk
3) Roya
4) Sasagawa Ryohei
5) Gwendolyn
6) Kobayakawa Sena
7) Eto Kai

Also, the indoor forces will be arriving tomorrow as well. The Metis Group calls this team SPECTRE. Please note, however, that unless there is trouble, they will not appear; this is simply a part of their design. Do not fear, they will not attack you; they are here to simply look for anything related to this ANIMUS character.

Thank you for your time and understanding.


[Alright, here's some information for the muns that the characters won't necessarily know unless they run into one of these uh... these SPECTRE people.

If any of you guys have read any Discworld novels in the past, these "warriors" look sort of like white-robed auditors. For those who haven't, well, think about the Harry Potter Dementors, just dressed in white. They're like that, but they lack hands or scary mouthes; they're just... grayish air under their hood.

The SPECTRE group materializes out of the materials around them (ie. takes the oxygen, nitrogen, iron, etc elements out of the air/water/whatever and uses it to create itself out of those elements) and as such, just appears at whatever scene of the crime they're interested in. So uh. Yeah. They could be anywhere or nowhere. D8;;

In regards to how they fight, they pull out various things from their gray air-like bodies and use those as weapons. What they pull out depends on the individual SPECTRE, so they could vary from normal weaponry like swords and guns to weird stuff like... um... bear traps and giant slabs of meat. Yes. ._.;

I-I think that's all for now. >__>;; ]

*metis group announcement, !soulunit

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