I discovered this video only earlier this afternoon; anyone that knows this girl's heart, anyone out there that might still see things the way I always used to, anyone still checking from time to time...
...I just needed a moment to matter me again; I needed warmth to hit my heart again.
So anyone that's kept track will know that I noticed the little accidental star of this video, the moment he started clapping and smiling and looking up while the face he was staring up at, had just also been a subject in the song...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRw9NqvOM9M ...and reaching for the lights, and wanting to lift and smash...!
And how from time to time, accidental moments collide with moments of certainty, that [as it turns out, who knew] dissolved - he never left it unfinished, clearly.
Here's hoping that little boy never grows two-headed.
I might renew the old style of this journal.
I might not...