Jun 08, 2004 01:38
so many people i wish could take greater part in my life either live far away, moved far away, or simply don't live at all anymore...
i miss Kate.. from fairfax.
i miss Ricky Doll... who moved to florida.
i miss Russo... who's stuck at summer skool in florida.
i miss my Maryland crew.
i miss Missy, who used to write to me from Texas.
i miss Leslie, who moved to NC again.
i miss Kristen, whom i never hear from or run into anymore...
i miss Jane Jane, and Adam Waldrop and all the kidz i ran with in highskool...
i miss Jessie, who died three years ago...
i can name off a bigass list of roanokian fucks i would trade away in a heartbeat to have all of the glorious kidz i mentioned in tha same place with me...
btw, if i didn't say i miss you, that means i see you plenty! or at least have the means...