Mar 30, 2005 01:06
oh baby i'm sleepy. i'v;e been stressing over this stupid paper for psych and law. it drives me crazy that i have to be an expert witness. i find myself advising more like lawyer and not like psychologist, which i think i'm supposed to do. the outline was TRES vague. and its worth 40%. i've been working on this motherfuck for a few days now. it really drains me. drains me to the point where i can't go on a cursing rant. that makes me sad :(
no court on thursday. thast good for my darling angela. but i was psyched/afraid of being on the stand. i've been going over my testimony tons. i want colin to get punishment. asshole. but ange is right, he'd get off anywyas, so i'm happy she's happy and life goes on. its over. *whew*
so thats a load off. and my paper is almost complete, but my thinking has ended for the night. i only need another page and a half. and i still have tomorrow to finish it off. so thats ok. its gunna suck tho. fucker. only so much i can do tho. *sighs*
i'm psyched for sin city to open. hard to believe its almost april already.
i would like to rally the troops and make peopel pose for pictures. like different pics. not all smiles and chuckles, kinda like action ones, or just like someone lost in a thought, not looking at the camera. so be prepared.