The comm's been a bit quiet lately, but there's been quite a bit of Yasuba action lately, so I thought I might as well post and share the love~!
First, a little snippet from this month's Wink Up messageboard:
It's a love confession! :D "To Shibuyan, I love you. Nothing else is necessary."
jillia_and_luca says it's more like "I don't need anything else", which is even better than I could've hoped for! XD I hope Subaru writes back next month...
Here's a very short clip from what seems to be a TV Guide photoshoot:
Click to view
You might have to watch it twice to see the Subassan, lol, but when Hina is talking Subaru is standing behind Yasu and just holding onto his arms, haha.
And I'm sure everyone's seen the 2009.01.17 ep of CanJani where Subaru and Yasu had to recreate some famous paintings, but I thought I'd put up some caps of the adorable cuddling from the end anyway. ^_~