001) Name: Lorn the Great
002) Age: 20
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004) What skill or quality do you have that benefits others the most? Sense of humor. I'm usually the one to lighten the mood or keep people chipper.
...and maybe another one that may benefit better would be my determination. When I want something hard enough, there's no stopping me from achieving it, or getting damn well close.
005) Are you the leader, follower, loner, or come to leveled agreements? I'm the leader when I get the chance. I like to do things my way for the most part, but I accommodate when I need to. I know when to back down and give someone else the lead at my job. I can't take leadership over my manager. Thaaat wouldn't be good. n_n;
006) When working with someone, what traits are you looking or hoping they have? Somebody I can have a good time with. Someone who would appreciate my goofy personality, and my lame-ass jokes and puns. Probably not as outgoing as myself, to...counteract the energy level? n_n;
007) What traits turn you away from successfully working with someone? Ugh, I was just reminded of this today at work. People who talk down to you (even if technically you're above them), or people who are condescending. Not to mention people who make you feel like an idiot for making a small mistake.
008) Of the following, what is or are your roles? (I'll italicize the ones that apply)
- Sharper; a person who is full of drive to make things happen. Often happy, make their views known, don't mind being challenged, but also ready to challenge others ideals.
-Plant; a person who comes out with the original ideas and does not follow traditional means. Imaginative and see what others often can not.
- Resource; has the strongest contacts, information, knowledge, and support.
- Implementer; organized and effective in managing tasks and plans. Logical and disciplined.
-Team worker; most aware of other's needs, concerns, or unhappiness. Sensitive and supportive, trying to reduce conflict and keep peace.
-Completer; keeps time limit and deadlines in mind and makes sure others are aware of this.
-Evaluator; strategic and judges the situations from all perspectives. Tries to critical of all things.
- Specialist; specializes in certain skills and knowledge, but tends to take these as priority and the most important.
- Finisher; sticks to deadlines, gets things done even if they must take the task on. Irritated by others who do not put their own effort.
009) After completing a task, what do you do for yourself or for your partner/team? Celebrate with whoops and yells, commenting on our awesome teamwork.
010) Do you feel most comfortable working with a certain gender? I'm comfortable with any gender, really. Although females who are catty or stuck up really cheese me off. I kind of get an attitude around them.
011) Is it important to be friends before or after working with someone? Both. I have a bunch of friends that I can work well with on certain things, and because we're friends it's fun to work with them. But sometimes while working with someone new, you can find a new friendship.
012) For there to be success, what is most important? For both sides of the party to respect each other and be harmonious.
013) What environment is best to work in? Um...not too sure...I guess it all depends what situation we're in? n_n;
014) How would you prefer your partner and you to tackle a project or problem? Artistically, analytically, conventionally...? Artistically, for sure. I'm all about taking a more creative route than anything. Although I don't like to take outlandish routes, because those can lead to problems and epic failures. X_x
015) If there were any distractions, would you be caught in them or be the one to snap your partner out of it? Hahaha, yeah. it's easy to get me distracted, whether it be because I have a short attention span, or because I try to do waaay too many things at the same time. On the flip side, I can occasionally be the one to knock some sense into people when we get way off course.
016) For you to work with them again, what impression must they leave on you? I have to know that they respect me for who I am, at the very least. And last but not least we have a good time together. Happy smiles and good times.
017) If the opportunity to leave your partner for another or work alone came up, would you? They'd really have to piss me off for me to do that, and I mean, really piss me off...and I'm not even sure if I would then. Even if we didn't get along, I wouldn't want to leave the person behind on their own.
018) Do you hold information back from someone if it would directly effect the way you both work? I'm basically an open book. I know their are things I should probably keep to myself, but I sometimes don't know when to keep my mouth shut. If it is something I think would hurt someone's feelings, I will keep it to myself.
019) Would you take things that happen between your partner and yourself on a personal level? If they hurt me or mocked me openly, and not in a joking way, I would probably, initially take it personally, especially if I trusted the person. Although I try to put those type of things behind me if they apologize and are genuinely sorry for something they said or did.
What do you do if...
020) Somehow, news that your partner is using you to complete the task, but take all the credit reaches you. I'd be over the top pissed. It ticks me off when I do all the work, but my work gets overlooked while someone else gets the credit. I'd probably fume behind their back and if they continued doing it, I would confront them about it.
021) Something personal has happened to your partner that makes them unable to work or help? I'd be there to try and comfort them, ask if they need to talk about it, and give them space if they need it. I'd pick up slack where it was needed, but if it got a little excessive, or to the point where they need to start helping again, I wouldn't be afraid to whap them upside the head and tell them to snap out of it.
022) Something has gone wrong and someone needs to take the blame? " partner did it! 8DDD" Haha, yeah, I'd probably joke about it at first, but fess up if it really was my fault.
023) Hey! Pin Slammer is the hottest thing! Take a break and play with your partner? ...yeah I basically suck at that game. xDD
024) What two characters in Subaseka/TWEWY do you think make the best partners and why? In general? Or for me? 'Cause I think you should be telling me the latter. xDD But I think that Shiki and Rhyme are good partners. They both have a good sense of support that is a good quality in a partner.
025) Who would be the most difficult character for you to trust to play beside in the Reaper's Game and why? Although I like him as a character, if I were to be paired with Joshua, I think I would end up cussing at him every moment I got...and he'd laugh in response to it, and then I'd get even more angry. >>