Two memes

Jun 06, 2009 22:44

Reply to this post and i will make you a letter gift. take the gifted letter to your harddrive and upload five songs. five shalt be the number you shalt upload, and the number of the uploading shall be five. six shalt thou not count, neither count thou four, excepting that thou then proceed to five. seven is right out.

So, I got a G from pockythoughts. Most of these are BGMs and not actual songs.

Grand Blue
- Tenshi na Konamaiki, first opening theme by Kitahara Aiko

Gekidou (Upheaval)
- D.Gray-Man, fourth opening theme by UVERworld

Go Bou Sei (Pentagram)
- Yoroiden Samurai Troopers, long version of a peaceful piece used in the TV series (second season especially)

God Diva
- .hack//Roots, a BGM by Ali Project that I suppose can also be considered a song of sorts

Go Yuushi Shutsujin (Five Brave Warriors Depart for Battle)
- Yoroiden Samurai Troopers, a set of three short heroic BGMs often used in the first season

As for the second meme...

Comment to this entry and I'll pick three of your fandoms. You must then update your journal and answer the following questions:

01: What got you into this fandom in the first place?
02: Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
03: Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.?
04: Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
05: Do you think that more people should get into this fandom?

I got Dragon Ball, Lord of the Rings, Gundam Wing.

For Dragon Ball:

1) Mostly it's that I saw episodes of the first Dragon Ball series on the Canadian channel YTV (Youth Television). They kept re-airing the same first 8 or so episodes. Eventually one day, we visited a friend of my mother's house, and their kids had a few volumes of the Dragon Ball manga laying around. I read one on the spot and borrowed a few others. I don't even think I read them in order, and the volumes I found started at the Vejita era. From then on I basically borrowed them from the library whenever they became available, as they were quite popular back then. I've also seen most of the japanese episodes of the Cell and Majin Buu arcs.

2) I think I've already moved on. I haven't stopped liking this series because it *is* a classic of anime after all, but I've definitely found series that I prefer because they have a greater depth of plot and character development, as well as less repetitiveness and drawn-out battles.

3) I really don't remember the episode numbers or anything, but among my favorite arcs were the final two, which were the Cell and Majin Buu arcs. What I refused to watch were any of the filler arcs (and Dragon Ball has quite a few of these), all of the movies, OAVs and everything else, except for the two TV specials about Goku's father and Trunks, because these make perfect sense and do not interfere with the plot of the series. I of course also have no interest in Dragon Ball GT. If I were to name a favorite character, it would be a fair tie between Goku and Trunks.

4) Nope, since I've really already moved on from it. I did buy this one nice horizontal scroll with pretty much everyone on it, and my standard is to get at least one nice scroll per series that I really like. However, they don't seem to be making as many wall scrolls anymore, since I can't find any for series like D.Gray-Man.

5) I think that everyone should try this series at least once. It is a classic, and no matter how cheesy some parts can get, it still remains an excellent series. I think the same thing about every series I've ever watched and enjoyed, because I am very picky with my series and I find the serious ones most worthwhile.

Moving on to Lord of the Rings:

1) Well, I had heard a lot about it. Shortly before the movies came out, I kept seeing advertisements for a play or something like that at my college. I've always been interested in fantasy, so when the first movie came out, I went to watch it. I heard there were some differences between the movies and books, but so far I've never read the books.

2) I've bought the special edition DVDs and all, but I've definitely already moved on. For now, I don't plan on reading the books.

3) I don't really recall the movies that well, actually, but I think I remember liking the second one particularly. I recall I enjoyed the extras on the DVDs too.

4) Same as for Dragon Ball, I've already moved on from it. I never had a strong enough interest to join MLs about this.

5) The books are pretty popular, and I think they are probably enjoyable. It should be worth it to any fantasy fan to read them and/or see all the movies at least once. It can probably be considered a classic of fantasy. I also consider Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time series to be a classic fantasy series. It saddens me deeply that the author died before he could complete the series, but I am glad that Brandon Sanderson is writing the last few books for him.

And last but not least, Gundam Wing:

1) I can't say I remember very well, but it was probably that I saw episodes on YTV. Then of course I researched the japanese episodes online. I think at the time, YTV was just beginning to include more anime in its lineup. I remember I was fascinated by Heero from the first. I also liked Quatre and Relena.

2) I'll always like this series, and I won't mind rewatching episodes occasionally, but I have definitely already moved on from it because there's nothing left to do with it.

3) In terms of favorite episodes, I loved when Quatre piloted the Wing Zero and Heero piloted the Epyon. What I didn't particularly care for was Endless Waltz. A plot cooked up by any kind of child makes no sense to me. I really only liked the songs of that OAV. There's a manga called Battlefield of Pacifist which I enjoyed. In terms of favorite characters, it's a tie between Heero and Quatre. Usually I don't like female main characters in anime because they tend to fall into one of two categories: wimpy or bitchy. But I liked Relena for her strength. I kept looking for the reasons that most fans seemed to hate Relena so much, and the main conclusion I've reached is that people are mostly jealous. Most of the reasons I've heard for disliking her are superficial, some downright idiotic. As an independent female character who is strong without being a cocky bitch, I really like her.

4) Not anymore. I used to be on a ML as well as go in chatrooms, but after a while there's just nothing to talk about anymore.

5) Same as for Dragon Ball, I think that everyone should try this series at least once. It is a classic mecha series, as pretty much all Gundam series are, and still remains an excellent series that fans look back upon fondly.
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