It occurs to me that when I updated this, I completely forgot about the existence of LJ (as I am wont to do with even Facebook and Twitter), which is why this post here is pretty late. Still...
Title: Glass Feather (Part 7/8)
Fandom: The World Ends With You (Subarashiki Kono Sekai)
Rating: T
Warnings: BL/slash, un-beta-ed, spoilers for the entire game and Secret Reports, artistic liberties. The full list of warnings can be found in my beginning notes.
Pairing: Joshua/Neku
Word count: 44,527 words (whole story to date). The latest chapter has about 5k words.
Summary: A year after their Game, Neku and Joshua meet again. Neku wants answers. Joshua decides to indulge him...conditionally, of course. But when new enemies surface and things go awry, Neku gets caught up in a battle to keep Joshua as Composer...and alive.
If you'd like to read the whole story from the beginning, click here:
The Story So FarIf you just want to read the latest chapter, here it is:
Chapter 7: The Scars of Your Love To start with any other chapter, here's the
Chapter Index.
The links go to AO3. I hope you enjoy it, and if you do, please leave a comment here or there, or just click the kudos button to let me know. Thank you in advance for reading. I am super excited to be so close to the finish line on this story, and I'm truly grateful for all your love, patience and support since I started this fic last year!