777xRhyme fic for bito_ishida 2/2

May 01, 2011 11:07

Oh, god. This took forever and a half. Sorry for taking, like...YEARS to finish the second part of this fic.

Part 1 is here.

Title: So I Will Dance With Cinderella
Author: Soshite
Summary: AU In a world where a father can watch his daughter grow up as he remains the same, never to change, all he could do is dance with her. 777 and Rhyme, but not in the way you'd expect it.
Rated: T, mainly for 777's potty mouth.
Disimer:I do not own The World Ends With You/It's A Wonderful World, its storyline or its characters. They belong to Square-Enix. Random weird interpretations belong to me. The song 'Cinderella' belongs to Mister Chapman.

So I Will Dance With Cinderella

Part 2 of 2

She spins and she sways to whatever song plays without a care in the world…

It was late. And yet, he was still up scribbling away in his notebook, strumming away on his guitar. His wife had gone to bed long ago and he had kissed her good night. He needed to get this song done soon, because his band was going to be cutting their first CD and he wanted to make sure that they rocked! However, he was just stuck on this one stanza and it was driving him up the fuckin' wall!

And I'm sittin' here wearin' the weight of the world on my shoulders…

His shoulders sagged wearily and the blond set aside his guitar for a bit, when he heard small footsteps nearby.

He smiled.

It's been a long day and there's still work to do…

"Hey, Rai, what are you doing up, kiddo?"

She's pulling at me, saying 'Dad I need you. There's a ball at the castle and I've been invited and I need to practice my dancin'. Oh, please, daddy, please'…

"Dada…dance! Dance!" the little girl of two and a half demanded. She held her arms up, which made Nanatsu chuckle gently down at her. It was much too late for her to be up and dancing about and he really needed to finish his work before morning came. However, he was never one to deny his one and only princess for very long and before he knew it, he was shuffling around the room with his darling Raimu.

So I will dance with Cinderella while she is here in my arms, 'cause I know something the prince never knew…

It wasn't anything fancy and the girl tripped a lot and fell on her rump, but she would just get back right up to move with her father.

The man's heart swelled with pride at his daughter and her tenacity. She was so bright and beautiful and he wouldn't trade anything in the world for her. His precious girl.

So I will dance with Cinderella, I don't want to miss even one song. Cause all too soon the clock will strike midnight…

Eventually Raimu tired out, the hour being later than late and dancing had tuckered her out. When it was clear the small child could no longer keep her eyes opened, Nanatsu picked her up, holding her close. He kissed the top of her head, smiling tenderly as he carried hr to bed with him and his wife, somehow finding it in himself unable to let her go. As if the next day he wouldn't be able to anymore.

Nanatsu closed his eyes, sighing, before opening them again.

And she'll be gone.

In front of him was a young woman, staring up at him in awe. He would have smiled, if not for the fact that she was more like several feet away from him and not directly in front of him. The urge to hold her was enticing, but he held back. As far as anyone knew, they were virtual strangers; he was a singer and she was just another fan.

"Whoa! You actually came!" Rhyme stated, surprise obvious on her face. Here was one of Shibuya's most infamous indie band's lead singers standing right in front of her school gate, looking awkward and a tad annoyed as he was surrounded by lots of gawking fangirls.

"I promised I'd help you with your dancing, so let's go." His manner was a lot more brusque than he meant for it to be and 777 winced at his tone. Rhyme just smiled at him, happily following him as he led the way towards a studio where the two of them could practice her dancing in peace. The teenaged girl talked about this and that, mainly about school, her friends and topics that would have bored any man to tears, except 777 wasn't just any man. He was her father and hearing about these normal mundane, everyday things made him smile and want to cry at the same time.

He missed so much and was going to keep missing out, until one day…

She says he's a nice guy, that I'd be impressed…

"777? You in there? Come on, there's just a week before prom, you know!"

"Yeah, yeah, I know, hold your horses…"

"Still can't believe you know how to waltz."

At this the singer grinned and gave the shorter girl a pat on the head. "I'm just full of surprises, aren't I?"

Rhyme gave the man a look, staring up at him intently as they stood together, hand-in-hand. Her gaze was pretty unnerving and the reaper worried if, perhaps, his cover had been blown somehow and she knew who he was, instinctively and if she was going to freak out or run or get some kind of supernatural restraining order on his ass, but then, she just shrugged.

"You think Kenta will be impressed?" she inquired as they started up their dance again. Slowly, one step at a time, though the music they played in the dance studio was going much, much faster than they were. 777 was patient, though, never raising his voice at her, despite the fact that he was famed for his short temper and inability to not yell at his road crew or his fellow band mates.

"Fuck, I hope so. The guy'd have to be blind and dumb not to be," was the caustic reply. There was a deep frown on his face, which made Rhyme giggle.

"You almost sound jealous," she stated, which made the reaper go green. That was so wrong on so many levels!

Shaking his head, he ignored Rhyme's bubbling laughter as he whirled and twirled around with her, marvelling at how pretty she was growing up to be. She had just bought her prom dress the other day with her mother - a nice long pink affair that swished wonderfully when she was spun around - and he was the first to see her in it. She wore no make-up and her hair was loose and flying everywhere, but he thought her beautiful already.

777 spun her out, the skirt swirling around her legs, then pulled her back in, holding her inappropriately close to himself as they started shuffling about. Rhyme squeaked in surprise, but did not move away.


She wants to know if I approve of the dress. She says, 'Dad, the prom is just one week away and I need to practice my dancing'…

He didn't say anything.

'Oh, please. Daddy, please.'

"I'm okay. You just stepped on my foot," he lied, spinning her out once more and resuming their waltz, picking up the speed now that the girl was doing better. Hell, he was sure that in the next day or so she really wouldn't need him anymore for these afterschool lessons in dancing.

So I will dance with Cinderella while she is here in my arms, 'cause I know something the prince never knew…

They moved together across the dance floor, expertly now. Moving to the beat of the music, though he wasn't sure why she needed these lessons at all. The music was going to be vastly different from what they were listening to playing on an old record player he had scrounged up from all of his old stuff. Even had something nice and classical for the occasion. However, if it got him alone time with her, where he could listen to her voice talk about this and that, he was fine with it. He could live with it.

And he would eventually have to move on.

So I will dance with Cinderella, I don't want to miss even one song. Cause all too soon the clock will strike midnight…

He let go of her hand, watching her go now to the boy who had asked her to be his date, a blank expression on his face.

Rhyme was perfect and beautiful and much too good for this Kenta guy who stuttered every other word, especially in sight of the reaper's little girl, who wasn't so little anymore. The blonde girl looked quite enamoured with him, though and took his hand eagerly before they stepped out together to have fun.

And she'll be gone.

She will be gone.

When she next found him, or rather, he found her, she was working in a music store. A new shop in Shibuya - one of many, in fact. She was a mess, with her long blonde hair in a haphazard bun on her head and wearing make-up, but he could never not recognize that little girl who used to ask him to dance all the time. And him? He had been out of the music business a while now, considering he was supposed to be getting on and years and wasn't; he 'died' in a plane crash that had all of his fans mourning his death twice as much as the first time he kicked the proverbial bucket.

No one had grieved over him as much as Rhyme had, though. However, being as he was a Harrier class reaper in the Composer's Game, it wasn't as if he could leave his post without being totally erased, so he always stuck around, close to his girl, watching her when he could. Things had gotten business in the UG again and he couldn't just rush off to see Rhyme whenever he wanted anymore and even then, his frequency was different from hers.

But sometimes…when she'd look off into space randomly - in his direction, to boot - he'd imagine that she was looking at him. And that the warm smile that would spread on her lips was also meant for just him.

Well, she came home today with a ring on her hand…Just glowing and tellin' us all they had planned.

But he knew better. She was thinking of him. Of Kenta. That boy he had helped her to impress with her dancing skills at her high school prom. While he watched from the stage - his band had been hired by her school to perform a few sets - she whirled and twirled with him, looking every bit as entrancing as a fairy tale princess dancing with her prince. And that boy had fallen hard for her, then and there.

At midnight, he had witnessed them share their first kiss, which caused him to mess up a song by screeching when he should have been singing, choked up and angry all at the same time by what he had witnessed.

But nothing had made him looking more red (or green) in the face as when Kenta had asked her to marry him and she said 'yes'.

She says 'Dad the wedding's still six months away, so I need to practice my dancing.'

It had become hard watching her then, because he couldn't accept the fact that his girl was being taken from him. Far and out of his reach. They were going to move to Nagasaki. Nagasaki. And he would be trapped in Shibuya for the rest of his unnatural afterlife, never to know what would happen to her, how many children she'd have, how happy she'd be or if that Kenta kid was going to turn into some abusive bastard or not.

What really took the cake was when she asked her step-father to help her practice dancing for the wedding, which was going to be 'absolutely perfect'. He could watch. He couldn't stand it.

Losing his baby girl had been hard enough the first time.

'Oh, please, daddy, please.'

Tenho and BJ pretty much told him he was being an asshole. They told him to go to her wedding, even if she couldn't see him. 777 was going to regret not going, they told him and he should stop being such a dickhead and grow-up. Cause Rhyme already did. And she was getting married and damn it, how many of them were ever going to see any of their kids get hitched to someone they loved so much? Just 777, cause he was the only one who wanted to be a dad at 19.

When the guy still refused his two friends hog tied him and dragged him all the way to the church to watch the proceedings from the UG.

So I will dance with Cinderella while she is here in my arms, 'cause I know something the prince never knew…

They got in just in time to see the vows made between the two, before the reception began. Things started off with the bride sharing a dance with her father and 777 couldn't help the seething jealousy that emanated from his very core. His blue eyes bore into the back of Mister Bito's head as he moved his little girl across the ballroom floor that had been reserved for the occasion.

That should have been him there, dancing with her, for the traditional father-daughter dance. That should have been him the one to give her away and not someone else who lied about her parentage. That man never told Raimu he wasn't her real father and he most likely had no future intention to do so, so happy he was with the ready-made family he had. Obviously, he had no other children with Hanako or even tried. What a waste of a man, he thought viciously.

After the dance was over, speeches were being made and he didn't want to hear them, but Tenho and BJ made sure to keep him seat - and well tied - so he would go through the entire thing without running away or ruining his daughter's special day.

Finally it came down to a last minute speech from Rhyme and one 777 would never, ever forget.

So I will dance with Cinderella, I don't want to miss even one song. Cause all too soon the clock will strike midnight…

"Thank you everyone for coming here tonight. I am deeply touched by everyone's support and love and care and the work put into making this day the happiest in my life."

777 grumbled here, glaring daggers at his two reaper buddies for their mutiny.

"I especially want to thank my parents because, if it weren't for them, I wouldn't be here to today. I wouldn't have met all my friends and I especially wouldn't have met Kenta."

Here the blond wanted to rage and the other two reapers thanked heaven that no one could see or hear them, or they'd be kicked out for making a scene. 777 had the right to be angry though, because there was no way in Hell she'd be talking about him.

"Most of all…I am especially thankful for my father…"

777 let out a scream…

"…my first one."

…which immediately petered off into silence and he was shocked into listening what the bride was saying about him. How did she even know about him? Who told her? Why? He was so stunned that he hadn't even noticed BJ and Tenho loosen the ropes on him; he just watched his Rhyme. His beautiful, wonderful, bright Raimu giving a heartfelt speech about him.

And he felt awful and sad and happy and elated all at the same time.

And he cried. He really did, man. He cried at his daughter's wedding.

"His name was Nanatsu Shichisebun and he was a great man of vision and talent. And though I didn't know him that well, I know that he's been watching over me all this time and I wish I could have gotten to know him better. But he was a great man and a great father and husband and I hope that I could be just as great as him one day."

Oh, Rai. Don't you know you're already greater than your old man? You're alive. And that's more than I could ever be.

The rest of the reception went off without a hitch, with 777 watching from the sidelines, quietly, subdued. BJ and Tenho had left early. The reaper stood behind the newly wedded couple at their table, near where Daisukenojo was sitting, laughing at his own awful joke. Her friends were there at the table, too, just talking and chatting things up before the night had to be over. At midnight the couple would be leaving for their honeymoon in Fiji, so they were taking the opportunity to spend as much time with their friend as possible.

But midnight came and the bouquet tossed - with Shiki catching it - and the two were off, speeding down some steps to the car that was to take them to the airport. 777 watched, as always, from a distance; he was at the door to the reception hall.

And, for a split second, right before she entered the car, she turned around and looked up.

She looked straight at him and smiled warmly. 777 looked around, wondering if she was looking at a friend or her mother or someone else, but saw no one. Just him.

His eyes locked onto hers and they brightened knowingly.

Tears threatening to fall from his eyes a second time that night, he reached out to her, though they were to far away to touch.

Rhyme pressed her fingers to her lips, then blew him a kiss.

And then, she was gone to her new life with her new husband.

And that was alright. All fathers, in the end, must say good-bye to their children and always, always, seemed to have something to regret.

"Rai…I didn't get to hold you enough."

And she'll…be….gone.


fanwork: request, fanwork: writing

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