[fanfic: caricature]

Mar 09, 2010 22:50

Title: Caricature
Rating: PG-14
Pairings: Joshua / Neku
Summary: After having lost a bet with Mr. Hanekoma, Joshua is forced to seek assistance from his ex-proxy. When Joshua informs Neku of his lost-bet, Neku hesitantly wonders what Joshua has to do. It comes as a large surprise to the ex-player that the prim and snarky Joshua has to cross-dress for an entire year at his school and get the student body to believe he is a girl.
Earlier Chapters: Prologue || Chapter One || Chapter Two || Chapter Three || Chapter Four || Chapter Five || Chapter Six || Chapter Seven || Chapter Eight || Chapter Nine || Chapter Ten || Interlude ||

The Composer of Shibuya walked alongside his something for what felt like hours before finally reaching his destination. Once there, he turned on his heel and smirked. Violet eyes, usually hidden behind a fringe of silver, stared knowingly into sapphire. No words were spoken as the Composer giggled softly, turned back around, and headed into the small building on a random street corner.

Neku vacillated. Joshua hadn’t told him where they were going. Only that it was a surprise. And history proved that Joshua’s surprises were rarely ever pleasing. After a few moments of hesitation, Neku swallowed whatever little pride he had left and headed inside.

The first thing Neku noticed was the obnoxiously strong presence of incense. The precise scent he couldn’t pinpoint, but it was definitely something in the herb-family. His nose wrinkled and his eyes squinted. There was a slight haze in the entry of the building and his eyes had begun to sting. After a quick cough into his arm, Neku called out Joshua, only to have his voice drowned out by the soft jingling of bells. His head turned to the right and through the clearing haze, he saw an unfamiliar man.

The man was garbed in stark white robes. The only colour the man wore was around his waist. A dark, crimson belt. Striking blue eyes watched Neku vigilantly. Needless to say, a shiver tore its way down the teenager’s spine.

“What are you doing here?” the man demanded. His voice boomed loudly and the door he arrived through closed, the bells jingling a second time.

“Uh-” Neku felt the back of his neck prickle.

“He’s with me.”

Joshua reappeared on the other side of the room. Somehow, the Composer had managed to change into lavender robes. For some odd reason, Neku felt like he had took a step back into the past a good sixty odd years or so.

“Yoshiya, you didn’t tell me you were bringing company,” the old man hummed. His gaze swept over Neku again, inspecting the boy as if he was some antique on display.

“What can I say? Things came up,” Joshua responded airily and walked over to Neku. His steps were poised, as if he was stepping on clouds. When he was close enough, he reached out and took hold of Neku’s collar. Skinny, pale fingers curled in the fabric and he gave a slight tug forward.

Neku stumbled accordingly, brows arched and head a bit heavy from the fumes in the air. “Josh--?” he began but was silenced with a steady stare.

“Your collar is messed up. Honestly, Neku…” Joshua said and carefully did the top button of the shirt Neku was wearing. And ironically enough, Neku did look better after the top button was fixed.

“…Uh…. Thanks?” Neku murmured, face turning a soft red as Joshua stepped away.

The robed man chuckled deeply under his breath. It was enough to cause Neku to stiffen and look away from his boyfriend. After a few moments had passed, the man finally spoke again. “The garden is all yours, Yoshiya, as promised.” He paused and regarded Neku with guarded eyes. “And?”

“Neku,” the redhead offered awkwardly.

“Neku,” the man repeated with a sagely smile. As the incense dispersed, Neku could distinctly make out wrinkles from the test of time on his face. He had the appearance of an elder that had once served his country. A kind smile and even kinder eyes, amidst heavy sharp creases in his forehead from turmoil and struggle. Although he unnerved Neku, he, at the same time, settled him.

“Thank you,” Joshua responded cordially with a dashing smile. He looked to Neku and gestured with his hand for the other to follow him. Without waiting for Neku’s reaction, he headed out the back of the room.

“…Neku,” the man spoke up once Joshua was gone and Neku was near the door.

“Hm?” He looked back.

“You’ve got a strong Soul,” was all he said before turning away and disappearing off into another room.

Neku blinked, rubbed the back of his neck, nonplused, and then shook his head. “…Strange,” he decided and headed out the door Joshua had left through.

Once outside, the heavy atmosphere fled. The smell of incense was gone and replaced with the sweet, light smell of blossoms from a nearby tree. The garden that the man had mentioned was around the size of a large bedroom, nestled between four walls of the surrounding house. In the middle was a large stone, nearly seven feet in height. Water trickled down it, over kanji that Neku couldn’t quite read. At the base was a small basin where a few petals had been strewn upon the surface of the water. Surrounding the center of the garden were four trees-death, ironic-and a few burgeoning bushes. It was breathtaking for such a small garden.

Seated in front of the stone was Joshua. His hand was resting on the stone, interrupting the flow of the water so that it washed over his pale fingers instead of the stone. It took Neku a few moments to realize that the water below the Composer’s hand was blood.

“…Josh?” Neku hesitated, uncertain whether or not to step closer.

His answer came when Joshua pulled his hand away and glanced over his shoulder. “Don’t look so startled, Neku,” he all but purred, eyes a soft violet in the midday sun, “it’s just a flesh-wound.”

Neku rolled his eyes at the Composer’s subsequent giggle. “Idiot,” he sighed and headed over, hands in his pockets. “You should have told me this was some sort of … well, whatever it is. I’m not dressed for it.”

“You don’t have to be,” Joshua lilted and gestured for Neku to sit beside him.

“Hm….” Neku thought for a moment and took a seat.

Silence befell them.

“So… what the hell are you doing anyhow? I mean, the robes were a bit strange by themselves but…”

“Tradition,” Joshua yawned and reached for something to his right. Skinny fingers carded through a few sheets of heavy rice paper before bringing the small stack into his lap. His gaze lifted to Neku and he charmingly grinned. “Care to have a go, partner?”

Neku arched a brow, fighting off a blush surreptitiously with a cough. “…At what, exactly?”

“Tradition,” Joshua repeated and took one of the sheets into his right hand before relocating the pile between himself and Neku. “It’s simple, really,” the Composer began as his nimble fingers folded the ends of the square in towards the middle. “Well, simple if you know Music.”

Neku watched him wordlessly, stuck between a state of bemusement and ennui.

Joshua smirked and rested his index finger on the folded square. His eyes shut and within a few seconds, red kanji was sprawling over the flaps, seeping into the middle of the paper, hidden beneath the now unstained flap-coverings. Needless to say, it was an act of magic.

“How the hell did you…?” Neku asked incredulously.

“Try it,” Joshua urged as he shot a glance down at the paper. “It’s not that hard, Neku.”

Neku rolled his eyes and irritably reached for a paper. With a sigh, wondering just what exactly he was getting himself into, he did as his Composer did. Neatly fold the corners towards the middle. For a moment, he felt like he was back in kindergarten in arts and crafts time.

“Now, close your eyes and focus on a wish,” Joshua explicated, “and then focus on Shibuya’s Music. Once you’ve done that, imagine your wish as Music. And it’ll work its magic.”

Neku arched a brow. “…Just like that? Really?” He didn’t sound convinced.

“Composer’s honour,” Joshua purred condescendingly, holding up a pair of crossed fingers with a smile.

“…You’re so obnoxious,” Neku mumbled under his breath and did as instructed.

The wish was easy enough, but finding Shibuya’s Music was a whole different story. He could distinctly hear the soft notes of Joshua’s Music beside him, but Shibuya’s? He sat in silence for a few moments, mind desperately plucking into thin air to try and capture a melody that wasn’t there. When he realized his effort was in vain, he settled upon indulging in the Composer’s Music. In the background was a small hum of a song, definitely Shibuya, but Neku decided that he’d rather focus on something he held more valuable.

“…Neku?” Joshua had been in the middle of shaping the paper so that it would stand up on its corners like a fortune teller, but paused when he felt a distinct brush against his consciousness.

“Hm?” Neku lazily asked, not bothering to open his eyes.

Joshua giggled, just barely, to himself. “Nothing,” he lilted and closed his eyes as well. “But I think you’re using the wrong Melody there, Sunshine.”

“I know,” Neku responded automatically.

“Do you?” There was a slight quiver to the sarcasm.

“Yeah,” Neku said simply. “I just like yours better, I guess.”

“Be careful. At this rate, you’ll get yourself drunk off it,” the Composer teased and tried his damndest not to allow the mingling of Chords and Rhythms to distract him.

“As if that could actually happen, idiot,” Neku grumbled and finally let go of his metaphorical hold on Joshua’s song. He opened his eyes and glanced down at the paper. The pads of his fingers, as they shifted, distinctly felt engraved shapes and kanji on the interior. “…Wait, how…”

“Did it work? Well, well,” Joshua said abstractedly and set his crafted paper upon the water in the basin. “When you’re done, do the same.”

“…This is so odd,” Neku complained and did as he was told, again. After pinching the corners and making the same shape as Joshua had, he set the small paper on the surface of the water. “…And now what?”

A gentle breeze rushed through the garden and Shibuya smiled.

“Now, watch and be amazed,” Joshua said.

The Composer of Shibuya placed his hand on the large stone and allowed his eyes to fall shut. Seconds passed in serene silence. Neku watched in dull interest, having to fight back a yawn or two. However, his boredom was vanquished when the water turned a dark crimson. The hair on the back of his neck stood on edge, shivers raced down his spine, and his eyes widened. Joshua provided no explanation and kept quiet and inert. Just like the bastard to do such a thing, too. A few seconds after that, the weathered marks on the stone began to glow a soft red. The glow started at the base and raced towards the top, running in the reverse direction of the trickling water. Once at the top the red glow gathered and then dissipated into the afternoon air as sound. Beautiful little notes here and there. Chords gathering together …

Joshua pulled away and looked to Neku with an unexplainable expression.

“…Josh,” Neku began but Joshua’s mien silenced him. There was something shockingly serious about the way he looked at him.

“I hope whatever your wish was was worth it, Neku,” Joshua said. A moment passed and the Composer shifted positions, sprawling out on the cool cobblestone of the garden upon his back.

Neku scrunched his nose and passed Joshua a curious stare. “That lazy, Josh?”

He inclined his head, as if about to nod, but decided against it in the last moment. His eyes shut and he sucked in a deep, relaxed breath. “You don’t read about traditions like these,” he began, “they’re not in any history books.”

“Uh-huh….” Neku could already feel himself tuning out the inevitable history lesson. Still, the gravity of what he had just witnessed remained with him. Just what exactly had Joshua done.

“They’re not for personal gain. They’re for the better of the city and its Music.”

“…Then why did we make wishes?”

“Hm… then I best amend my statement. They’re not all for personal gain.” A soft giggle. A subsequent groan.

“Whatever,” Neku said.

Joshua’s fingers curled against the stone beneath him, as if coaxing the redhead to lie beside him. Neku vacillated, but ended up alongside the ashen-haired teen moments later. Sometimes it was hard to deny the pull of attraction.

“…So, who was that guy?” Because it had been nagging him.

“My mentor when I was younger,” Joshua said, hand waving dismissively. “Mother and Father thought it was important that we keep the original Japanese culture alive.”

“…But aren’t you, you know, half American or something?”

A nod. “And? Both Mother and Father were equally passionate about the culture we called our own as a family,” Joshua sighed, looking extremely ethereal as he lay there, sun illuminating everything angelic about his countenance.

“…Does he know?”

“About the Game?” Joshua guessed, cracking open an eye.


“Mhm.” Joshua laughed, again. “In fact, before I took over, he was the original Producer. Sanae only replaced him when I took reign.”

“…Huh.” It was strange, but it made some sort of sense.

“By all means, he should be back in the Higher Plane by now, but he still likes to watch over the Game and his dear old apprentice,” Joshua cooed.

“Because you need all the eyes watching you that the world can afford,” Neku agreed with a small snort of laughter. His eyes shut and he indulged in the pleasant feeling of conversation.

“You wound me.”


Neku laughed again, softly. Joshua could be such an idiot sometimes but-but he liked it that way. Liked the human side to his friend. He liked that the Composer’s Music was no longer frigid, that he was slowly beginning to open up, to trust. He liked having a dependable friend by his side. Liked having someone on the same level as him. Enjoyed the competition, the banter, the excitement. It kept life interesting and unpredictable. It added a zest to an ordinarily insipid affair.

And it made Neku feel different. Like he was always on some sort of high. Like he was grinning like an idiot without even realizing it. Like his heart was on auto-pilot, beating faster and faster.

Especially when, lost in his thoughts and the gentleness of the day, he felt the slightest brush of a finger grace the edge of his own.

His cheeks flamed up and his breath caught inaudibly in his throat. His eyes remained screwed shut and his heart began steadily increasing pace. Thump. Thump. Warmth grew in his face and he silently cursed himself for overreacting over something as stupid as an accidental touch.

The problem only grew when the unbelievably soft undersides of Joshua Kiryu’s fingers closed over his own, curling comfortably over the back of his hand.

Neku wasn’t sure if it was possible for a person to be any redder.

“Neku,” Joshua began and Neku could feel the eyes on him. “You’re blushing more now then you did when I kissed you.”

Neku’s eyes snapped open and he stared disbelievingly at the smirking Joshua. “You…!” he began, face even darker in shade.

“I?” Joshua hummed and watched Neku attentively, curly hair framing his nearly glowing face.

“Need to learn to shut up.”


“…and we’re going to see him again, why?”

“It’s only right to wish him a happy new year, Neku.”

Neku sighed and watched helplessly as he and Joshua made their way towards Cat Street. His hands were nestled in his pockets and his music was on low. “At least you changed back.” If there was one thing he had to be thankful over in this strange turn of events, it’d be that Joshua wasn’t wearing those stupid robes anymore. Or girl’s clothing. Just a normal button down shirt and a normal pair of pants. It was refreshing.

“….Couldn’t we just, you know, call? That’s what technology is for…” He trailed off and sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck.

“But that’d be lazy of us,” Joshua said with a practiced pout.

“Yeah…but a call is just as good if we’re only stopping in for a few minutes.”

“Do it for me, Neku?” Joshua spared a look back at Neku, eyes a fraction darker. Without warning, Neku’s face surged red and he struggled to regain logical thoughts.

“I thought you didn’t like to sweat,” Neku pointed out, nose scrunched up in memory and in a vain attempt to get his blush to go away.

“I don’t,” Joshua agreed, “but walking doesn’t cause perspiration, unless the temperature is above a certain degree. The body only sweats when the level of water-”

“Josh, stop.”

“What, why?” The Composer cocked a brow back at his boyfriend, perplexed.

“…Nevermind.” Neku had originally wanted to tell him it was turning him off, but that would mean admitting that that look Joshua had given him and that tone had made him shiver and almost turned him on. So he decided to keep his dignity and not mention the slight stirring in his body from merely looking at his boyfriend like that.

“Whatever you say, Neku,” Joshua drawled out and continued on to Wildkat.

When the pair finally arrived, Joshua uncharacteristically held the door open. Neku eyed the Composer suspiciously, but spoke nothing of it. Instead, he shuffled inside quickly and headed over to the bar stool. Before he could even make his way over to find a seat, Joshua was somehow already there. There the Composer of Shibuya sat, leaning against the bar counter, elbows resting upon it, and looking as smug as ever. Neku sighed, irritated, and muttered something under his breath about Composer Powers and how frustrating they were.

“Boss, Phones! Didn’t expect to see you two ‘round here,” Mr. Hanekoma said as he came out from the back, cleaning a class. His gaze settled on the pair and a chuckle escaped him. “What’s up, boys?”

“Just came to wish a happy new year to our favourite coffee-man,” Joshua lilted, eyes lazily drifting from his Producer to Neku. “… Sit down, Neku. The seat doesn’t bite.”

“I’m fine with standing,” Neku argued and remained a few feet away.

“Oh, but I insist,” Joshua urged, tossing the boy a smirk.

Neku’s annoyance faltered and he missed a beat before begrudgingly sitting in the stool next to Joshua.

There was a moment of silence before, “Eh?”

“What’s wrong?” Joshua glanced up, quirking a brow, and questioned his Producer.

“Eh…” Mr. Hanekoma said again, rubbing at his stubble, perplexed. “Something’s different…”

“You actually have customers for once?” Joshua asked innocently, batting his eyes at the older.

“Cut it out, J,” the older man said with a swat before shaking his head, shades nearly slipping off his nose. “No, somethin’ else.”

Neku wasn’t the brightest bulb in line and therefore did not realize that the coffee shop owner was stumbling upon a very touchy subject. Instead, Neku yawned and focused on observing the coffee maker behind Mr. Hanekoma. Drip. Drip.

“What?” Joshua wondered, not one for patience. “Are you going to tell us~ or not, Sanae.”

“…Well, first off,” he began, lowering his hand and setting it on the counter so he could lean on it, closer to the pair, “You kids never sit in adjacent stools. There’s always that whacky one-stool rule,” he explained, gaze swaying back and forth between the two.

Neku blinked, realizing that what the other had said was in fact true. Huh…

“Two,” Mr. Hanekoma continued, “your face is kind of funny, J.”

Joshua frowned. “He punched me.”

“…Because!” Neku snapped but shut up, not wanting to divulge the reason. And then it hit him, what Mr. Hanekoma was doing. What he was stumbling upon. He gulped and subconsciously laced his fingers together, messing with his thumbs.

“And Phones is blushing lot more than usual,” Mr. Hanekoma went on to say, chuckling loudly as Neku glared at him, face a bright red.

“This is awfully enlightening,” Joshua said sarcastically, rolling his eyes and occupying himself with staring at Neku.

Neku felt his stare and the redness of his face only increased. “…So, Mr. H?”

“If I didn’t know any better-”

“But you don’t~” Joshua interrupted, waving his hand dismissively. “Now, if you would be so kind as to…”

“You’re his Conductor.”

There was silence. A long, awkward silence. Joshua’s eyes widened, his jaw slackened, and he stared. Neku, on the other hand, stumbled to his feet, ready to shout in protest. He managed to raise a clenched fist in the air, as if to shake it vehemently and deny the claims, but words fell on deaf ears. He couldn’t produce any sound, nor words. He fell silent, raised arm falling down by his side awkwardly as he stood by the stool. His face had gone from red to pale in record-time, it seemed.

“Sanae,” Joshua said slowly, brow creased, tone noticeably darker, “why would I do such a foolish thing like that?”

Mr. Hanekoma felt the tangible doom upon them. “…Eh… guess I was wrong, eh Boss?”

“Completely,” Joshua drawled dangerously, licking his lips, as if trying to keep himself from doing something.

“I could have sworn, though,” Mr. Hanekoma reasoned helplessly, “there’s just something different-”

Afraid for his idol’s life, Neku interjected. “It’s not that, Mr. H! Like hell would I ever be that asshole’s Conductor. I didn’t take that stupid position, okay? The only thing that’s different is that the jerk and I are together, okay?”

And more awkward silence ensued, perhaps worse than before.

Neku realized, a bit too late, what he said and then clumsily sat back down on the stool, face on fire. “… I mean… uh…”

“…Really now?” Mr. Hanekoma’s face grew brighter. “Guess I don’t have to intervene after all! Good for you, Boss! You win! Finally realizing-”

Before he could finish, Joshua had gotten up and left, slamming the door irritably in his wake.

Mr. Hanekoma’s expression dropped, staring at the suddenly empty Wildkat, save for his number one fan. Awkward. Very awkward.

“…The hell…” Neku wasn’t comprehending what was happening right now. “Why do we both always run off, damnit,” he murmured, a headache imminent. He shifted his hands back and forth before risking a glance up at the confounded barista. “… You don’t mind-”

“Nah, take your time. Make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid.”

“Thanks, Mr. H.”



Neku trailed after Joshua, feet smacking the hot pavement as he charged after the Composer. “Joshua, damnit, listen to me and turn around!” he complained, finally catching up to the brooding teen. When he did, Joshua halted, but refused to turn around. Neku stood there, eyes nearly drilling holes through the back of his friend’s head, before his courage disappeared. Now that he had Joshua, what was he supposed to say? Supposed to ask?

“Yes, Neku?” It was short, curt, annoyed.

“…Why are you so pissed?” Neku decided upon asking, arms folding to his chest. “He was bound to find out eventually, Josh. You’re not too subtle about things, you know.”

Joshua laughed emptily; not a giggle, but a hollow laugh. Neku shivered at the strange sound. “And you’re not angry, even just a tiny bit, Neku?”

“…Why would I be? I’m the idiot who blurted it out…”

“Didn’t you hear what he said? Honestly, Neku, you’re so dense…”

“…Uh yeah, that he thought I was your Conductor or something stupid like that,” Neku mumbled, rubbing his arm absently.

“The other part, Neku.”

Neku was silent; confused.

Joshua sighed, dragging it out before turning on his heel to face Neku. He looked at the boy for a long moment. Deep, violet eyes contained conflict, hurt, betrayal, and everything else. They brewed together, making such pretty eyes look uninviting. Neku blinked back at them, honestly confused and completely lost. His body shivered again and he parted his lips to speak, but couldn’t find any words. Instead, he remained speechless, watching his boyfriend with trepidation. It wasn’t long before Joshua was closer. It was sudden and it was strong.

Neku felt the Composer push himself flush to him, pressing every single curve of his body against his. He felt Joshua’s heartbeat, felt the slight shake to his movements, felt the other’s breath ghosting over his lips. And then he felt the bruising kiss that knocked the wind out of him. It was passionate. Far more passionate than anything they had had before. Neku’s eyes widened, ready to punch the jerk for catching him off guard, but stopped. Joshua’s warmth was welcomed, and it made his mind dizzy. The kiss was mind-blowing and he nearly lost his balance. Any hope of dominating the exchange was lost in the flurry of crashing lips. Joshua’s hands clutched, almost desperately, at his sides, holding them impossibly close. He felt inexperienced all of a sudden, with Joshua massaging his lips like that, alternating between applied force and a gentle, teasing, coaxing, brushing. The occasional flick of a tongue was enough to make him gasp, but it never lasted long. As quick as the shiver-inducing muscle touched his lips, it was gone.

After a moment, Neku forced some space between them, but didn’t break their contact. “…What’s this… all of a sudden?” he asked, breathless, looking at Joshua with a mix of confusion and want. He felt hot, warm, wanted…

“He won’t take you from me,” Joshua whispered, voice dark and serious, but underneath it was a noticeable quiver of fear.

“…What are you talking about, Josh…?” Neku blinked, watching the way Joshua breathed unevenly, face flushed and god, it took everything Neku had to focus on their words and not the desire to push him against a wall and kiss for hours.

“Didn’t you hear him?” Joshua giggled hollowly, “It was part of the bet. Me getting with you.”

And fury overtook him. “Wait, what?!”

“If I didn’t do it myself, Sanae was going to. That would be my other punishment for not going through with it. I had to admit you mattered to me and had changed me. That I was attached to you. The confession was originally intended to be platonic. Trust between partners. He didn’t believe my dear ego would allow me to admit I grew close to someone. But something changed, to our lovely amazement. He hadn’t expected me to fall in love with you, and neither did I.”

Neku suddenly couldn’t pinpoint what emotion he was feeling. The bet. That stupid bet and-

“So you just used me to win a stupid bet with Mr. H?!”


“Are you fucking serious, Josh?! After all this time, I--!”


“Bullshit, this is bullshit and I-” Neku moved his hands to shove Joshua away, anger stinging his eyes with what felt like tears.

“Neku Sakuraba,” Joshua all but shouted, fingers digging hard into Neku’s arms, enough to make him stop resisting. “I just told you that I was in love with you, and you’re focusing on the past?”

Neku fell silent. When the words registered in his mind, he felt dizzy. “…You…”

“I figured the Music would be a tip-off…”

“…You… even before I told I was attracted to you, you…” Neku’s face turned a deep shade of red, his eyes refusing to go back to normal size.

Joshua averted his gaze. “Mm~ … Ever since that day at the pool.”

Neku’s mind began working, gears slowly turning. His mouth fell partially open and he struggled to keep up. “…So Tak was…”

“To make you jealous,” Joshua mumbled, dragging his hand through his hair, as if trying to distract himself.

“And the Music…”

“Was because of how I felt.”

“…And you…wow, I … Oh. Oh.” Neku felt like an idiot. A complete and utter idiot. All that time, Joshua had cared. All that time, Joshua had been trying to do the same thing Neku had been. Tak was just a stupid device used to invoke jealousy, which it did. And… Just wow.

“I’d prefer if you said something other than one syllable words, Neku,” Joshua complained, risking a glance back.

“…You love me,” Neku repeated, face growing redder.

“If you keep saying it like that, I’m going to take it back,” Joshua grumbled.

“…You love me,” Neku said, despite Joshua’s words, and he grinned.

“…Neku, stop it.”

“You love me.”

“Neku, I swear on everything sacred, if you say it one more time…”

“God, Josh. You’re such an idiot,” Neku concluded, grinning and softly laughing before tipping his head closer and gently kissing him.

Joshua shut up and his eyes flew open. He shivered, and was most definitely not expecting soft hands to glide up his back, trace his spine, then lodge themselves in his hair. Soft, gentle, reassuring. Neku. He couldn’t help but let an uncharacteristic keen escape his lips as he arched forward, closer.

“I think we should…go back to my house…” Neku murmured, getting drunk off not Joshua’s Music for once, but the sensation of kissing him.

“How suggestive of you,” Joshua whispered back.

“I didn’t mean…” Neku broke the kiss, face turning crimson again.

Joshua purred in amusement, catching his breath. “Your face is priceless.”

Neku rolled his eyes, groaned, and grabbed for his boyfriend’s hand. “Shut up and walk, okay?”

“…That’s supposed to be my line,” Joshua all but pouted but obediently followed.
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