Secret Santas are Out

Dec 04, 2009 23:07

Hey guys! Sorry, I know I said I would edit my post, instead of spamming the comm, but I figured it's been a while - and this is kind of important XD;

Okay. Soo. I just sent out Secret Santas.
26 of you signed up. 26! That's awesome :) Thank you all for making this a success.

A couple concerns, though:

1) First of all, not all of you had your LJ PMs/messaging turned on. Thus, I couldn't send you your secret santa! Actually, there were only 2 of you, and out of 26, that's not that bad at all. But, nonetheless...

- thetg
- kirikaito
- 1jennyfan

EDIT: forgot one person! *added 1jennyfan*

Please turn on your messaging so I can try again and send your assignments!

(Otherwise, I was able to send them all. Please let me know if you didn't get yours; it's very possible I could have messed up somehow!)

2) Another thing that occurred to me is that since there are 26 of you, and all 26 of you will have presents to post, that would be a lot of posts for our comm - even with a 5-6 day range (Christmas through New Years'). Do you guys think that would be too much - should we try to condense the presents somehow into lesser posts?
(Like, submit them to me or a mod, and have one of us post a bunch in one post?)

Since I've never done anything like this before, I'd like some input. Maybe it's perfectly fine the way it is, having everyone post individually - but I just wanted to make sure, I guess. ^^;

Otherwise, I think we're set, guys! I look forward to seeing what you all come up with, and thank you for playing/signing up :)

secret santa 2009

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