Animethon 16!

Aug 17, 2009 14:18

Yay my first post here~! 8D

Animethon 16 in Edmonton, Alberta just ended a week ago, and even now all the photos we took aren't uploaded, so I only have a few pictures.

I cosplayed as Rhyme while my best friend cosplayed as Neku.
They're no photoshoot pictures, but I like them~
I hope you do too! 8D

All of these were taken by random people at the con and found@Facebook.
So, credit goes to those random people for these photos.
Credit goes to me for the photo editing.
Our costumes were made by us. xD

Alright, worst for first:

I look like a duck. 8C
But Neku looks pretty kick ass. 8D;;

I don't like how I look here, either.
But the way the photo looks and the epic quality makes me happy.

Bright window is bright. xD
Our friend Rachel is the Shiki here~ :3

I really like this picture~

This picture is great, too~
The other Rhyme is done by Neku's friend Megan. 8D


I made Neku wear my awesome nerd glasses. XD

Rofl well, that's all I've got for now. D:
I hope more turn up...

Alsooo, my costume was rushed, seeing as it was a surprise for my Neku and I only had like 3 days to do it in. /excuses

If you like our cosplays and wouldn't mind seeing more pictures gimmie a HAYL YEAAAAH.
*raises hand for high fives*

When the other photos turn up, I'll post them here~

fanwork: cosplay

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