[Secret Santa] "One Day Afternoon..." for feverish_love

Apr 04, 2009 13:31

Title: One Day Afternoon...
For: feverish_love
Request: Joshua/Neku (Neku discovers something from Joshua's past and the Composer is not delighted)
Rating: PG13
Notes: Shoot me XDD IT'S DONE, hellyeah!~ The last two pages and the continuation of this. Despite the many, many mistakes I've made, be it in th panelling, backgrounds or timing, I still enjoyed making this comic. Who and what the heck is Josephine might be revealed in Rhapsody of Tomorrow. Please, do not forget that this comic is an AU (Another Universe), which means it is NOT a pre-quel to RoT, unlike the "Before the Rhapsody Sings" one.

secret santa 2008

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