Fanfiction Request...? *SPOILER ALERT!!!!*

Mar 11, 2009 17:33

SPOILERS AHEAD! WARNING! Since I finished TWEWY (which was last summer) I've been craving a certain fanfiction. See, if I write it, it won't have the same effect on me. ;_; I get all gasm-y whenever I read someone else typing the story...'specially if it's well written. OwO'm asking for a fanfic IN WHICH...

-Sho is not dead. Unconscious under that trash dump, but not dead.
-NEKU (yes, NEKU) decides to save him.
-Sho wakes up later somewhere, all bandaged and tended to ^^

8D You can take the plot wherever you want from there. Is he grateful? Does he want to join Neku's group? (*coughpickthiscough*) That's all I want.

However, I would appreciate it if it...

-Didn't have sex...(I love yaoi and the pairing but it's not right for this fanfic...)
-Wasn't a drabble (too...short! D: )

I am willing to do a fanfiction for whoever makes this for me...or an art request. While I'm not that good at drawing, I can make a mean fanfiction.

Thank you!

fanwork: request

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