[Secret Santa] "Modeling for Christmas" for kanthia

Jan 17, 2009 17:25

Title: Modeling for Christmas
For: kanthia
Request: Request #1: Neku's short on cash, so he turns to Hanekoma in hopes of getting one through him. Hanekoma gives him a job...as his male model. Hankemo/Neku appreciated but optional. (Neku can be modeling for Mr. H's paintings or clothing, I don't mind whichever.)
Rating: PG-13
Notes: I apologise on how late I am on getting this done. I hope you enjoy it. ^^

Modeling for Christmas

“You want to work here, Phones?” Hanekoma asked, pouring himself a cup of his coffee. Neku was seated in front of the counter, with a cup as well but found the taste too bitter and just held it in his hands.

“I really need it, Mr. H. I need the money to buy my friends their gifts.” Neku was planning to get Beat some new wheels for his skateboard and Rhyme's was going to be a CD that she was listening to at the music store. Now those two are easy, but then comes Shiki and Joshua. Those two had very expensive tastes and ever since November, had obviously been begging for the present they wanted. Shiki would usually say something along the lines of that she saw a dress at the store that she absolutely loved and wanted to buy in time for the New Year's Eve party she was going to with Eri. “But it's so expensive! Maybe someone really, really nice will get it for me for Christmas!” She would say looking at Neku with a smile on her face. Joshua would just say it right in his face, “There are those shoes at the store that I saw. Wouldn't it be wonderful if you got that for me for Christmas?”

Sure, Neku could easily get huge discounts from those stores since he was an avid shopper at their stores and the workers there literally loved him, but combining all the presents for friends, family and including one more for Mr. H if he gives him a job at the cafe would be very, very, expensive. That is, if Hanekoma said.

“Hmm,” the older man took a sip and looked around the cafe's usually emptiness. Then he looked at Neku and shook his head. “Sorry, Phones. I don't need to hire anyone here since it's an easy job for me.” He laughed.

Neku made a sound annoyance. “But you're CAT; don't you have to some new project that may need you to get someone to look after the cafe for you?”

“Again I'm sorry, but whenever I have a new project I just usually close the shop for a while.” He took another sip, ignoring another sound of annoyance from the young boy.

“Guess I can ask Masuoka. Bet he'd fire someone and hire me on the spot. But that guy creeps me out.” He stood up, paying for the coffee and just before he pushed the door open to leave.


Neku rushed back, “Although what?!”

Mr. H rubbed his chin with a small smile on his face. “I have this show going on next week for my new winter line.”

“A new winter line?” Neku asked with a tinge of excitement. Ever since he found CAT he has always been buying various clothes and paintings all made by CAT and this new winter line he'd definitely wouldn't want to miss out on. “Wait, what's this gotta do with me?”

“Well,” Mr. H rubbed the back of his neck. “One of my male models I hired recently called telling me he sprained his ankle when he slipped on some ice. I don't have enough time to look for another one since the show is coming fast. So, how'd you like to be his replacement?” He grinned widely when Neku's expression went in complete shock, his jaw dropped down slightly.

“I... uh... well... I-I....” He was completely speechless.

Mr. H smirked grabbing a napkin and pen, writing down something on it than pushing it in front Neku. “I'll pay you really good since I really need one. Plus you can have one of my new apparel for a small discount if you accept.” Then he seemed to remember something. “But now that I mention it, I just remembered there is one guy I could ask. He'd definitely-”

“I'll take it!” Neku nearly shouted out then blushed lightly in embarrassment.

“Perfect!” Mr. H grinned, taking a gulp of his coffee. “The time and address for practice is on that napkin, hope to see you there, Phones!”

Neku nodded, “Thanks so much Mr. H!” He said grabbing the napkin and running out.


“I can't do this.” Neku said to himself feeling extremely over heated, his legs feeling like rubber, and he could swear he could taste vomit in his mouth, making everything worse. He was wearing just a plain shirt since he was going to be wearing a winter jacket and white pants that had 'CAT' graffiti on the left, underneath the pocket.

“Sure ya can!” Mr. H said, he was dressed up in his usual slacks and vest and holding the winter jacket on one arm. Since nobody knows what CAT looked like, he always pretended he was just one of the staff helping the models get dressed and ready. “All ya gotta do is walk out, walk to the end of the catwalk, stand for moment to let the photographers take your picture, turn around, and walk back here. Simple really.”

“No it isn't! There must five hundred people out there, all their eyes on me...” He trailed off, quickly taking a step back from Mr. H in case his lunch finally decides to come up.

“Phones,” he took hold of one shoulder and looked him in the eyes. “Trust me, once you do this, you'll feel the weight of the world fall off you. I even put you up first so it'll be even that much easier on you.” The sound of the announcement of the beginning of the show and roars of clapping and whistling began. “There's your cue,” He held out the jacket, helping Neku put it on. It was black with a white faux fur lined hood and on the back, the full symbol and cat was on the back.

“I can do it.” Neku assured himself, swallowing thickly.

“There ya go, now get at it!” Mr. H said giving Neku a slap on his bottom which caused the younger to jump nearly two feet with a loud yelp. He laughed when Neku gave him the most surprised look on his face until the announcer called out for the first model to come out.

“H-Here goes.” Neku said, taking a large deep breath and walking out into blinding light.


Christmas has come and passed, everybody loved their gift and he enjoyed his, including the new CAT jacket he bought himself on a ten percent discount by Mr. H. There was however only one person who didn't get a gift from Neku.

“I almost forgot to give you your Christmas present.” He unzipped his jacket and pulled out a black case, the kind you get from jewellery stores.

“Did I pay you that much?” Hanekoma questioned, taking the case from the younger boy's hand and opening it to see a shiny gold watch. He whistled low, taking it out and inspecting it up close. “This is really expensive. How in Shibuya did you get it?”

“Oh it was nothing really; I just asked if I could do a payment plan for it.”

“They don't do payment plans.”

“With me they do.” He grinned when the older man laughed.

“This is really awesome Phones,” he slipped off the one he was wearing currently, put on the new one and seeing how it looked on him.

“Well, I need to get going, the others and I we're going ice skating. See ya later Mr. H.” He zipped up his jacket.

“Neku.” The younger boy looked at him. It was a rather odd and long pause before Hanekoma spoke. “The jacket looks really good on you. I should hire you again when I do another show.” He grinned.

Neku blushed lightly, liking the fact that his idol was complimenting him and even wanting him to be his model again. “Um, thanks Mr. H, but I don't think I could go through another thing like that. I almost threw up.” He laughed uncomfortably.

“Nonsense Phones, if you keep modeling for me you'll get more comfortable. In fact I can already start planning my next show and I can imagine you wearing...” Hanekoma mused.

“I've gotta go!” Neku said rushing out the door only to come right back. “Merry Christmas!”

He snapped out his planning. “Oh, Merry Christmas to you too, Neku.”

Neku ran off to see his friends and Hanekoma poured himself a cup and then his first (besides Neku and his friends) customers today walked in carrying lots of bags from Boxing Day shopping.

“Welcome! What I can get you?”


secret santa 2008

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