[Secret Santa] "Keeping Order" for anon_pinky

Jan 05, 2009 06:56

Title: Keeping Order
For: anon_pinky
Request: Request #2: Joshua/Minamimoto hate-sex
Rating: PG-13?
Notes: Sorry it isn't all the way sex and only implied. ^^; Joshua didn't want to have sex and only wanted to taunted Minamimoto. I hope you like~

It wasn't often that Joshua took discipline into his own hands-it wasn't often that he needed to. But…Minamimoto was a special case. An intriguing one, for certain. He did already know Joshua's RG form, so that particular hurdle was taken care of as well.

It really was more fun to see a young man with Minamimoto's temperament and energy get tamed by a boy that appeared to be a few years younger and yards more delicate. Joshua giggled softly as he finished the ties to his prisoner's bonds and then stood back to survey his work. "Not bad at all," he said thoughtfully. His only response was a growl. Not surprising, since he was gagged-but Joshua could all too easily delve into those violent thoughts of his.

"Now, now-" he tskd. "That's what got you in trouble in the first place, now wasn't it?" He leaned forward and brushed his hand against Minamimoto's cheek, then down his jaw. "You were a dear, ambitious boy, but you did outreach yourself. And after I promoted you, too." He shook his head as if in disappointment.

Cat-yellow eyes glared at him behind the gag, but Joshua just giggled more, tugging on his head and leaning forward to bite at Minamimoto's throat. "You know… I don't even have to tie you down like this, but it really is more fun this way," Joshua murmured, crawling over his captive. Minamimoto struggled, but Joshua let him-it really was amusing.

Still, as amusing as it was to see him try and get free, Joshua was upset at the circumstances that led them to this point-and he wanted to punish his oh-so-trusted Officer for letting his ambitions get the better of him. Really; trying to fight and defeat him really was a pointless sort of task. He ran his nails down Minamimoto's sides, digging in, a twisted smile on his face. "You have been so very bad, my dear Reaper," he murmured.

Rather than wince in pain or try and cry out, Joshua was pleased to note his captive's more… obvious reaction to his punishment. "You really are into pain, aren't you?" he murmured. He had screamed while Joshua stripped him of any Taboo nature that remained, but part of it-yes, part of it had been in pleasure. How intriguing. Joshua wondered how far he could go to get the other to scream in pain and pleasure again.

Well, it certainly wouldn't happen without him putting through some effort. Joshua renewed his efforts, pleased at the return of motion-what little Joshua allowed at least. Joshua never felt that he had to rape his partners, whether they were tied up or not. Still, sex did tend to clear away some of the anger that lingered-and sex with Minamimoto could leave some interesting scars. On Minamimoto, that was.

This wasn't the first time that Minamimoto had planned something-but it was the first time he had gotten so very desperate. His partner growled again and Joshua gave a sigh as he removed the gag. "Now, now-you better put that mouth to good use, dear," he lilted.

"Stupid zero," the reaper hissed. "I'll show you what calculations I can do with my mouth."

"All talk and no movement makes the Composer bored," Joshua teased. "You really have been quite the thorn in my side this entire month. Although, I suppose… part of it can be blamed on Sanae. He's the one that decided to level up so admirably. Was it his idea to shoot me, or was that all you?"

Joshua's voice held a warning note-he already knew the answer and it would serve his subordinate well to answer correctly or else Joshua would punish him. But then again-he did seem to enjoy the beatings and rough sex more than a normal, healthy person should. Well, not that any of the Reapers had what could be called a healthy personality or lifestyle.

"Heh… that was all me," Minamimoto snickered. "But he did add to my already exponential strength to try and finish the job. Too bad he didn't factor in all the calculations before he tested his proof." He arched his back in surprise at a particular hard rub against him, Joshua's smirk obvious.

"Then shall we prepare another formula to be tested? Let's see how long you can take my punishment before I get bored and lose my temper."

Minamimoto's eyes gleamed as the sweet pain rushed through him, tempered by enough pleasure that this would be an interesting situation. "Bring it to the table, then," he growled.

Joshua let the strings of power work over his hands as he brought it down on Minamimoto's body. Oh, yes, punishing Minamimoto was always interesting. None of the Reapers tried to quite so hard to fight back.

The sex was always good, too.

secret santa 2008

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