[Secret Santa] "Christmas Spirit" for les_lenne

Dec 31, 2008 02:09

Title: Christmas Spirit
For: les_lenne
Request: Request #2: Hanekoma/Joshua; Hanekoma shows Joshua the Christmas spirit.
Rating: PG-13

The tree was not sparkly enough, Joshua decided. No. The mountain of tinsel and lights and shiny baubles was not enough. He waved his hand and watched as a big, glittery star materialised from nowhere and landed on the top of the tree which was almost falling over from the weight of pink and white tinsel, pink baubles, rainbow lights, and little wooden toy soldiers who were, in fact, naked. (The actual tree part was hardly visible anymore).

Sighing, Joshua dropped his hand and stretched out in his spot on the sofa, arching his back like a cat. The white leather rubbed against his bare skin, and it burned. He fiddled with the remote control, unclipping the back part which held the batteries and then pushing it back in. This action was repeated. And repeated.

The house was empty save for the Composer lazing about. Sanae was out running some stupid errand - he had just left Joshua all alone in the house with nothing to do! There was no Game on because it was Christmas Eve and apparently it was unfair to make the Reapers work over Christmas, so Joshua couldn't go out and boss people around or annoy Players. God. He was the Composer, he shouldn't be bored!

The house which Joshua and Sanae shared (well, it was actually Hanekoma's flat above Wildkat but Joshua referred to it as his or theirs because, really, it was, and a house because a flat was so... poor...) glittered and shone. Pink tinsel lined the tops of paintings and framed photographs, was twirled around the lights and lamps, and was even stuck on the lids of Sanae's paint pots. Joshua had made all of Sanae's underwear patterned with holly or tiny elves and had stuck miniature Santa hats on his paintbrushes. He had done all this, decorated the whole house and the tree... but he was still bored. And feeling stupid, because Christmas was stupid, and he had given into the decoration part because Sanae had bought pink tinsel and he knew Joshua could not resist anything pink and sparkly!

Joshua didn't like Christmas. Well. No. He hated Christmas. He hated the songs they played in department stores, and he hated Santa Claus, and he hated giving gifts (although he didn't mind receiving them). He hated how everyone got so excited about it all in December and how everyone went crazy and bah! It was all stupid!

Sitting up, Joshua waved his hand in the air again and the tree sprung upright as the tinsel and baubles and naked toy soldiers disappeared. The star vanished with a faint pop, leaving behind no trace of its golden glittery goodness. All the tinsel around the house dissolved into nothingness, the Santa hat paintbrushes were once again normal, the paint pots bare of Christmas spirit. The flat was now a normal flat that just happened to have a fir tree sitting in the living room.

This was better. Joshua moved into the bedroom, deciding that maybe a nap would do him some good.


"Josh?! Where are ya?"

Blinking, Joshua opened his eyes just as the bedroom door was pushed open. "Yes, Sanae?" he drawled, stifling a yawn. He felt the bed dip down and attempted to pull the covers tighter around him, but Sanae's form was stopping the sheet from moving. "What time is it?" Joshua asked, closing his eyes again.

"It's... 5pm. Have you been asleep this whole time?"

"Not the whole time. Where have you been?" asked Joshua, changing the subject. "Where did you go that was so much more interesting than me?"

"I went shopping!"

"Did you get me a present?"

Sanae chuckled. "You'll have to wait to find that out, won't ya?" He rustled in a bag. "I did get some more tinsel and decorations and stuff. I thought we could have a go at finally decorating the tree tonight, yeah?"

Joshua opened his eyes, staring at Sanae's eager face. His voice was flat: "No."

Sanae's smile faltered. "Oh, come on Josh. We gotta decorate it sometime."

"Do it yourself," Joshua replied, stretching his legs out and pushing at Sanae's lower half in an attempt to shift the other man from the bed. "I'm not in the mood."

Hanekoma stood. "Fine, Josh. Be like that. I don't know why I bother, sometimes." Sanae sounded annoyed, but Joshua didn't really care. He didn't understand why the Producer cared about Christmas that much anyway. It was only a stupid holiday that had lost all meaning over time and was only about presents and greed now. And usually Joshua liked presents and greed, but this time? Not really.

The door closed, and Joshua ignored the twinge in his chest.


A few hours later, Joshua awoke. With sleepy eyes and a stifled yawn, he walked into the living room, eyes immediately drawn to the previously bare tree in the corner of the room. It was now covered in beautiful decorations: thick dark red and gold tinsel was wound around it; sparkly red baubles and spray-painted gold pine cones dotted the branches, looking like twinkling stars on a dark green night sky; and an angel (Joshua snorted internally) balanced on the very top of the tree. A white, fluffy angel, hands clasped together in front of it in prayer, or song, and a halo hovering above its head. Joshua even noticed a few presents carefully wrapped in silver and gold expensive-looking wrapping paper under the tree.

...Huh. He hadn't gotten Sanae anything.

Speaking of Sanae... Joshua scanned the room and saw no sight of his lover. Probably run off to huff and paint a wall or something juvenile, Joshua mused, striding through the room. He swept past the Christmas tree, ignoring the glittery decorations and the presents. He felt like a glass of something colourful and preferably alcoholic.

CAT wasn't in the café part of their house either, Joshua saw as he emerged into the gloomy room. It was empty and virtually silent, save for the soft whirr of the coffee machine, on even at this time of night, and the drip-drip of the tap that Sanae still hadn't gotten around to fixing (and Joshua wasn't going to do it, oh no - his hands were far too delicate).

The half-door that separated the counter from the bit where employees stood swung with a little creak as Joshua pushed his way through it and opened the door that led to the back room. This was where Sanae kept the bags of coffee beans and the fridges full of those little milk packets and boxes of individual sugar servings... and the alcohol, Joshua thought satisfactorily, pulling open the door to one of the fridges and retrieving a small bottle of flavoured vodka (an alcopop) - raspberry, artificially blue, something Sanae had introduced him to. They were disgusting and undignified but quick, easy - they required no mixing - and the top that normal people used a bottle opener for just popped right off as Joshua waved his hand over it. He took a sip, shutting the fridge and moving to the door before deciding something and getting another bottle, which floated in the air for a second as Joshua held the open bottle and opened the door, supporting it with his body and getting the other bottle, then making his way upstairs.

He checked the clock - 9:28pm - and sat on the sofa, curling up with his alcohol and When Nietzsche Wept, which was dreadfully boring but Joshua hardly read nowadays and Sanae had gotten it for him as a present so he supposed he could try.

Time passed, as it oft does, and the coffee-man didn't return home.

Joshua retired at around 1:47am, leaving seven empty bottles and a finished book on the floor.


Light trickled in between the slats in the blind that Joshua had forgotten to completely shut, penetrating the Composer's eyelids and making him wince. He opened his eyes, then shut them again straight away, feeling like someone had replaced his skull with needles. Every movement hurt. Alas, if only his Composer powers could cure hangovers...

A few moments passed and Joshua forced his eyes open - it was only a little pain, he had dealt with worse. Opening his mouth to complain, he suddenly realised that he heard no soft (or, sometimes, not-so-soft) snores, and - he flung out an arm - felt no body beside him. Sitting up, Joshua saw that Sanae's side of the bed was still empty. Huh. So the Producer was still out sulking, was he? God, he's even more melodramatic than I am...

Huffing a little, Joshua slid out of bed and stretched, his head pounding. Even as an Angel, he wasn't immune to the mortal effects of alcohol! He rolled his shoulders, feeling (and hearing) them crick. His whole skeleton hurt. Was that even possible?

...Oh, yes. It was Christmas.

Joshua licked his lips, rubbing a bleary hand over his bare chest (he seemed to be only wearing some loose pants). Running a hand through his tangled hair, he frowned, and entered their en-suite bathroom. Joshua's hair was horribly messy and there were hints of purple underneath his eyes, but, apart from those two horrible things, the Composer looked pretty normal. So why did he feel so bad?

The water he splashed against his face was cool and soothing, and he reached for the comb. It was easy to get his silver hair back how it was supposed to be - carefully messy, a very precise style, oh-so chic and sexy.

Hm. Yes. He smirked at his reflection.

And went into the living room, only to narrow his eyes, fold his arms, ask, "Finished sulking then, hm?", because Sanae was there, leaning on the sofa, dressed in... Wait, was that... "Nice suit," Joshua smirked, leering at his lover who happened to be naked apart from the fluffy red and white Santa hat perched on his head.

Sanae smiled at Joshua leaning in the doorway. He stood and handed the younger boy a wrapped box; Joshua took it without making a sound. "I figured I'd show you the spirit of Christmas," Sanae said, scratching his neck. "Open it."

The Composer did, pulling off the gold ribbon and tearing open the wrapping to reveal a white box, which he opened, and his smirk grew tenfold as he held up the red and green dildo. "Huh," he murmured. "...I think I'm going to enjoy this holiday after all..."

secret santa 2008

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