A Wavering Stream. [2/?]

Dec 28, 2008 01:52

Story: A Wavering Stream
Rating: PG-13 (For now~)
Genre: General/Romance

Yeah, I'm kinda a day (or two) late although oh my god I like kept massive-re-editing this part so much that I even spent a whole day deciding on what to do about a certain part. Staring at a blank screen for a while isn't fun but I hope this came out right and doesn't suck. Read on!

"...No, you divided that wrong. Do it right this time, ellipsoid."

Neku gnashed his teeth as he looked back at the stupid problem on the piece of paper; he was annoyed because of Sho's constant insults (which included more math terms he didn't understand) and because of his suckage at the subject. So, when he finally thought he made a correction to a certain problem and heard Sho's snickering he threw a pillow at his face.

"Oh shaddup and help me with this problem then, Pi-face!"

"Say please, radian!"

"I swear to god I am going to--"

At that moment, Sho reached over and wrote something down on the piece of paper.

"There, if you contain one milligram of common knowledge you will be able to understand this."

Another pillow was thrown at the math geek and this time Sho retaliated--feathers were floating down to the ground and Sho's mother was tapping her foot at the front of the door.

"It is time for dinner you two pillow warriors."

Neku face-palmed, realizing that the two of them spent just 30 freakin' minutes messing around with pillows of all things and he had only gotten only half of his math homework done. He groaned inwardly.


"You want this power, don't you?"

A voice spoke in his head in his once-dreamless slumber--he saw that he stood tall and his frame more muscular then his smaller form in the RG. His hands clenched into a fist and a grin spread across his face and before his yellow irises he saw the scenery of complete darkness change--he was sitting on a chair with that same grin. As he looked straight ahead he imagined what he would do with this power, to Shibuya...

"Yes, that's right, destroy Shibuya."



Sho fell out of his bed as his alarm flared rather obnoxiously at this time of hour--he was barely even able to locate his glasses, putting them on and walking over to the alarm as he turned it off. He headed over to the bathroom to take a quick shower afterwards of which he looked in the mirror as he grabbed his toothbrush. He blinked as he saw himself in the mirror before he even put the toothpaste on the brush--

"Wait a minute..."

Sho saw himself, but the UG version of him grinning right back at him and he reached out towards the mirror...totally forgetting about the toothbrush as it dropped onto the floor. The black band around his neck seemed to glow omniously.


Neku felt a shock to his system, which completely woke him up as Sho's had...at 7 AM--but he had fallen back to sleep only to be woken back up. He looked at his embarrassing wristband which was sending mental signs that something was not all right--which meant that Sho probably was abusing the seal to try to get a handle on his powers way too soon. As if I'll allow you to do that, Pi-face.

Neku got up from the bed and as he ran out the door and to Sho's room, he concentrated thoughts of a stop sign towards the wristband.


Sho momentarily felt a rush of euphoria but then it was halted by some kind of force field of some sort--it hurt and sent him reeling back hard enough to slam his small frame into the wall behind him in the bathroom. His vision was a little dizzy as he coughed and slipped into unconscious. Son of a digit! This body is so zetta weak...


Neku walked into the bathroom, seeing Sho collasped on the floor and he pushed aside a momentarily indignant thought as he looked around to check if anyone else was inside of the bathroom. Well, he probably just looked at the mirror and thought he would try to access his powers when I was asleep. Nice try.

Neku sighed, looking at Sho and walking over to him to kneel down next to him.

Still, that looked like it hurt--

"Look over here, radian!"

Neku paled upon hearing that voice, turning his head to look at the bathroom mirror to see the form of the UG version of Sho Minamimoto who seemed to look more sinister then before although he wasn't in his Taboo Noise form--Neku cursed under his breath. What the hell is going on?

Then the glass broke and for some reason a shock more powerful then before went through him and he screamed as his vision flashed twice. FUCK.


Neku got up, blinking, to see he was back in his bed--he turned his head to look at the time and it was 12 PM; luckily Sho's parents didn't come home until later. He was glad to see he somehow wasn't seriously injured--oh, what's that nice smell?

Neku rose up but not without feeling some sort of pain through his body--he was going to have a long talk with Sho about this and his friends probably wondered why he ditched school today, damnit--and headed out from the guest room to downstairs. As he walked down the stairs, the smell became stronger and it seemed someone was making some late breakfast ; he found he was right as he saw some bacon, eggs, as well as some pancakes on the table. There was also something in the oven. Apple pie?

"Good afternoon, radian."

Neku whirled on his feet about to punch Sho but somehow punching someone who looked like they would break if you hit them with a bat somehow stopped him. The orange-haired boy sighed as Sho smiled at him and he sat down at the table--didn't change he was still mad at him for earlier, as Sho handed the syrup he noticed the other wore a 'kiss the mathematican' apron on top of his normally baggy clothes. Wait, that means he didn't go to school either.

The TV in the livingroom was still on, which blah blah blah'd on and on about the weather as well as how it was expecting a shower later this afternoon.


"Don't you want to eat your decimals, digits, and fractions first?"

Neku rolled his eyes as he starting to eat what was on his plate, looking slightly annoyed at Sho's relaxed composure compared to what had just happened earlier. Either that or he could have just been hiding his feelings well. Damn him.

He also found Sho was staring at him from across the table where he sat down, even it was obvious the brunette had ate earlier then he had. Neku felt slightly embarrased and shifted uncomfortably--obviously Sho had no social skills whatsoever in his real life because then he would know it was rude to stare.


"Oh, um, n-nothing."

The other was out of the room in a few minutes after taking the pie out. What the hell? Did he hit his head too hard or something?

Neku looked at the pie to notice '3.14' carved into it--he then eyed the calender in the kitchen that had March 14 circled as 'Pi Day'. Needless to say, his palm met his face.


"Sho, I'm going to make it clear right here and now: I'm not going to let you get away with blasting me unconscious like that by abusing our connection to each other with these limiters."

Sho stared and then leered, although it wasn't as nasty as his glares.

"Not my fault...at least not entirely. Stop blaming me, hectopascal!"

"Listen to me you dumbass! First of all--"

"Shut up, zero!"

"Can it, Pi-Face!"

"You first, yoctogram!"

"Oh for the love of--LISTEN TO ME DAMNIT--"


Sho threw the contents from a cup he was holding--which had orange juice in it--and Neku's face and hair was dripping. Neku lunged at the other, angry at the math geek's actions from especially earlier and the way he was acting now--as he pinned Sho to the ground he squeaked. Then they were just rolling around in the room trying to hit each other and just looking pretty silly while doing so.

The two were panting and Neku sighed a few moments afterwards.

"If you don't want to be in a world a hurt I suggest you don't do that again. I'd leave if I could but you know I have to stay over at your damn house to keep a close eye on your ass."

Sho blinked.




The next day, the two of them head to school although both of them were not that estatic about going--especially Sho; he was sick and tired of being pushed around despite the fact he was a senior. It was ten types of humiliating he didn't feel like listing, at all--he ignored the stupid insults being thrown at him during homeroom. Or at least he tried to.

"Where were you yesterday, Pi-Face? Getting some quality good time with your textbooks?"

For some reason the nickname never sounded amusing or well at all unless Neku said it but regardless he pretended that insipid individual wasn't even there. Unfortunately, suddenly he found that by ignoring the person sitting behind him got him a kick in the chair hard enough to propell the chair forward which caused him to be pressed against the desk rather then comfortably sitting just a few meters away from it. He pushed back his chair, annoyed.

Damn this school--even when he got the people bullying him around in trouble they would just come back after suspension to continue their nonsense. Then, he felt someone chuck paper at him and he chucked a pencil right back.

The bell rang.


"Seeya guys later! Maybe we can hang out tomorrow, alright?"

The orange-haired boy got a nod from the trio of friends: Shiki, Beat, and Rhyme.

Neku for the first time looked around for Sho--he knew the other hadn't possibly gone home yet and he needed to keep a close eye on the other due to yesterday's events, which he still tried to make sense of even though he understood most of what had happened. Then, as he walked around the back of the school he saw it: a group gathered around someone, who, was seemingly being hit with some kind of a blunt object. Against his better judgment, he headed up to get a closer look and--

"Hey! What are you doing?!"

The group saw Neku and decided to leave, having their fun for now--Neku glared at their retreating backs before heading over to Sho, who was still on the cement ground, shaking and sobbing. Near him his glasses were broken and his books were strewn about everywhere--Neku sighed and swore under his breath but began to speak to the brunette,

"Hey...can you..."

Slowly, the brunette began to rise and Neku supported him, noting that the other was very light; he started to wonder if Sho got enough to eat. As Neku had texted a message to his friends, soon Shiki, Beat, and Rhyme had arrived to the scene and as Shiki began to pick up the books, Beat asked,

"What happened to him, man?"

"Some assholes thought it was funny to hit him with a crowbar of all things. They're so not getting away with this."

Sho narrowed his eyes and there was a hint of a strange glow to them but it was missed in all of the explanations as they helped him walk to home.


"It is the weekend, so I obviously don't mind you staying over Neku-kun. But really, thank you and your other friends for all you have done for him."

"It was nothing."

Neku responded to Sho's mother again, who had been informed of the entire situation when they came into the house--she went into the kitchen to call up the principal. Neku, of course, wasted no time in going straight into the math geek's room without even knocking--he didn't want him to do something reckless or crazy. He breathed a sigh of relief as he saw Sho's back facing him as he looked out the window; however, he recieved some sort of sudden warning signils from his wristband.


Instantaneously, he thought of a stop sign to try and cut Sho off again from attempting to gain control of his powers but was immediately repelled.

"You can't stop me Neku, I need this power!"

fanwork: writing

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