!mod-post: Secret Santa = ONE week~!

Dec 18, 2008 02:34

♪♪ Secret Santa = ONE week~!
It's just one week away from Christmas! How are you guys doing on your Secret Santa gifts?
This is a reminder that you have one week before you must send your Secret Santa gift to me.
Please get the gifts to me by December 25th.

Send gifts via email to jenkat [at] gmail [dot] com.

I will begin posting them on Christmas, and will get all the ones I receive up within 7 days from Christmas onwards. (Dec. 25 - Jan. 1).

Any gifts not accounted for, back-ups will be called on from Jan. 1 - Jan.7, and back-ups' gifts will be posted as finished within that same period of Jan. 1 - Jan. 7.

The Secret Santa list will be revealed after January 7th.

Do your best to make sure everyone gets their gifts on time, okay? =D ♥ So that means, send your gifts via email to me by Christmas, yeah?

♪♪ Emailing Instructions
Please include "Secret Santa", the title and recipient's name in the Subject line.

In the body of the text, include:

For: (recipient's name/LJ)
Request: what request was filled
Notes: any comments to the recipient or about the work
And... of course! The actual gift! =D

This post has been edited to reflect the correct operation of "Secret Santa." This mod here is full of fail. OTL

secret santa 2008, !mod-post

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