Feb 14, 2008 20:59

Yes! Yes! Yes! It's finally announced!

Today, Square finally announced the official release date of "The World Ends With You":

APRIL 22RD, 2008.

It's rated Teen (duh) and is selling for $39.99. Official press release here.

Go to your local video game store and pre-order! NOW NOW NOW! XD
I feel as if I'm stalking Squarethis game... x.x

A summary of some interesting facts found in the press release:
  • Badges are now called 'Pins'.
  • Marble Slash is called 'Tin Pin Slammer' in English version.
  • The feature used to trade items other players is called "Mingle Mode".

I would have preferred if badges stayed badges. Not pins. D: Reminds me of the pointy metal ones. And Marble Slash sounds much cooler than 'Tin Pin Slammer' in my opinion.

There was no mention of JYONGRI in the press release, but expect the English version to be used, though I would love it if they kept the Japanese just for the feel. <33
Wonder what Square did to the songs in the soundtrack that contained Japanese, such as "Owari Hajimari" and "Twister"'s Japanese version?

No official announcement on the European release date though. >:

news: info

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