(no subject)

Jan 06, 2005 17:56

I just finished a short story by an author named John Varley. I'd never heard of him before, but his work is excellent. I'm going to have to look for more of it at the library. I don't want to go to school tomorrow, but I guess it's inevitable.

I haven't done much today except play Breath of Fire, read various books, and get a lot of exercise shoveling and doing push-ups. I wonder if I'll be able to go to sleep. Tomorrow night I'm going to Eric's to see a good show, a bunch of bands that I'll most likely enjoy. Maybe there'll be a showdown with Malcolm. I hope not, I'd rather not fight him. It'd probably be a bit of an unfair fight, and I don't really want to beat the shit out of anyone anyway.

I feel extremely tired. Maybe that shoveling took more out of me than I thought it did.

I need to finish my book on space flight psychology, but first I have to finish the other three books I'm reading. I wonder how this happened...
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