Jun 29, 2010 10:56
Yes, daily. I have to browse the news every morning and misogyny is invariably there to leer at me from articles and comments. I won't link because the materials are in Bulgarian and it would be useless anyway. Today:
1. One of top newspapers has an article about inequality in pay between men and women. Quite a good article, actually. The depressing bits: while 80% of Europeans feel something should be done to address this issue, only 28% of my despicable countrymen agree that this is an issue at at all. In the comments section: "We're the poorest in Europe, should we really be worrying about women?" *MAJOR HEADDESK WITH SUICIDAL ATTEMPT*
2. This one made my blood boil. The other top newspaper has a story titled "Beautiful women abandons her children". Catchy, no? What's it about? An orphaned girl got married at 16 and was SOLD (yes, SOLD) by her husband as a prostitute. She gets pregnant, gives birth, repeats twice. She is forced by hospital staffers to take her child home even though she didn't want it. They explain how hard it was to make her care about her children. Well, did it occur to you, dickheads, that maybe she did not want to be a mother to children conceived through sexual slavery? Really?? And the comments below the article - three comments and in ALL THREE she is called a slut. Yes, a slut. Do you believe me now when I say things in Bulgaria are positively MEDIEVAL in this respect? So this woman was used and abused by every-effing-one in her life, sold to slavery by her husband, and then she's expected to be a loving mother? To her children conceived though forced prostitution? The problematic idea that every woman should be thrilled to give birth aside, ARE YOU FOR REAL?!? And in the end, it's her fault. Just please look at the article's title: "beautiful woman abandons her children". Can you get any more misogynist and manipulative than that, I ask you? The whole fucking world abuses a woman, takes her body functions for granted, equates her whole worth with her reproductive function, and then blames HER for wanting out of it all. And the readers unanimously agree. I say, WHAT THE FUCK.
Please, if anyone has any words to placate me, use them now. Please!
major rant,
bulgaria sucks,