Oh look, it's another update.

Jun 18, 2009 16:50

It's no great surprise that I have been utterly distracted from LJ. I'm pretty sure you guys have noticed with lack of comments and posting as of late. (Really sorry about that. I know I still owe comments to senior_witch for her comments and response to my last meta, as well as redbrunja for KakaSaku related stuff, as well as shout-out, amongst other people.)

I've been doing a shitacular job commenting back on comments to my posts. I PROMISE I'M GOING TO GET BETTER AT IT.

It's just that I've been mostly logged into RP journals and trying to get kannagara_rpg off the ground, as well as trying to be more active in thedollsyhouse. I've also been tagging about in narudressroom. And that kind of stuff can be pretty consuming when you're the one running plots/trying to keep people on top of plots/trying to stay really active and push things forward. On top of that, I've been glued to #iranelection and tweeting/retweeting/following links a lot. So between RP and Twitter, I've been kind of failing on the being-a-good-LJer.

Anyway, I just have to say, to all of you who have been waiting for the day that I finally "got" KakaIru, shi_chan06 has done the unthinkable: she has gotten me to actually like Iruka. Now isn't that just amazing, people? Playing my Kakashi off of her Iruka has finally given me an idea of what everyone likes about KakaIru, and while I doubt it will ever be one of my ships (I ship KakaSasu, GaiKaka, YonKaka, and KakaIta), I can at least understand it now.

Speaking of RP, I find it amusing and rather insightful how open/inviting/accepting people are over at thedollsyhouse. I'm not nearly as good friends with them OOC as I was with people at somarium, but still got some pretty amazing feedback and people who want to thread with me despite having pretty low levels of activity (seriously, up until this recent event, I've only been in like, three logs). I find this amusing mostly because one of the big 'critiques' about me was that only my 'posse' ever wanted to log with me since they were already friends with me, and therefore, by default, would be interested in writing with me. Clearly, that is not the case, as I am not really friends with most of these people, with the exception of o0famous_amos0o and maiiau. Either way, it's nice to see.

I am looking forward to writing with hieronymousb and autoschismatic in kannagara_rpg. I think the idea of Pain arriving without Konan at first will be absolutely fascinating. We've never seen them apart from each other in the canon, and I don't think I've ever seen anything where Pain was without her, so to be without her will definitely be really interesting and insightful, in terms of how he views her, himself, etc.

On a side note, I really miss imlikat and frackin_sweet. I used to talk to them every day for months, but both of them have recently just disappeared off the face of the Interwebz. It's kind of sad. :|

I am off to watch Shippuden 114, and will probably blog about that. There are actually a few things I want to blog about at length such as what feminism actually is, sexuality and the importance of it, more Naruto-related stuff (this is not suprising, I'm sure), and some general academic-related stuff. But with the Iranian Elections and cyberwar going on, I don't think those topics are things I want to write about at length just yet, since above all, I want to write about my experience watching the entire ordeal unfold. I have been avidly tracking and watching this, and am just amazed at the power of awareness, technology, and the Internet.

If anything, anyone who can just say that "it's just the Internet" or that the Internet is not an important, powerful, vital part of sociopolitics has clearly now been disproven. Anyone who can just say that silencing is not dangerous, is clearly, visibly, now mistaken. Anyone who does not feel that language and words are powerful and violent and can either create great change or create sites of contestation, no longer has any clout when they try and argue that stance. The Internet is powerful, online spaces are absolutely revolutionary, sociopolitical change can occur through these mediums, and language, and words, above all else, are the most powerful weapons you can have at your disposal. Guns and bombs can kill you, but words can start a war. Words can start a revolution. Words create change.

dollsy, real life stuff, rp, kakashi, kannagara

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