A note on the :FFF on chuunin

Jun 09, 2009 17:02

When someone posts what is intentionally a trolling post on chuunin, is the policy to really allow that post to stay up?

This post is completely inappropriate and is, I feel, extremely disrespectful to the entire community as a whole. I personally find it insulting that this stupid little idiot has gone and posted something like this with the intention of starting wank. She has even stated that she wants to act in a "stupid" manner. It almost feels like she wrote this just to start wank, and all of her responses are also not talking points that seem as though she actually wants to have a conversation about this in the first place.

" I was trying to be silly about it all" is not a fucking response you give to someone who thoughtfully responds to you and points out the logical fallacies of your argument.

Plus, she also admits it: " at one point I say that what I had previously said was a pile of shit."

Saying that we are "too serious" and need to be "lightened up" and that stupidity is apparently the solution? Uh?

EDIT: So, I was given an "official warning" despite the fact all I was doing was reiterating what she was saying when she calls herself "stupid." Nevermind the fact that other people have done the same thing, but no one else was given an "official" warning. Okay, what the fuck. Do you not have eyes, Mod Team? The OP has said REPEATEDLY that she did this just to be stupid and is pretty much asking to be flamed by saying, "I am so gonna get flamed for this omg". How the fuck is this not a troll? Jesus christ. And when someone speaks up and repeats what she has said herself, they're the ones that get in trouble for it?

Uh, what the fuck. No offence or anything, Kylara, if you had anything to do with this decision, but I think it's beyond ridiculous and very poor judgment on the moderator's behalf.

So, I contacted the mod team with this, because this is fucking beyond STUPID, and wrote the following:

I do not feel that this is very fair.

I do not understand why the moderation team seems to think that this post is not one that is intentionally trolling or how it is not a personal attack upon the community as whole. The OP has stated the following things that the moderation team is NOT considering at all, and I feel it is a grievous mistake and certainly am not the only chuunin regular who feels this way, judging by the sheer amount of posts on my friends list about this:

1. She has stated repeatedly that she was just trying to act in a stupid manner to get a rise out of people.

2. She has attacked us and accused us of being "too serious" and that she needed to "lighten us up" with her "silly behavior," which I, and other meta writers, do not take kindly.

3. She has admitted to saying that all the things she said previously was a "pile of shit." If this is the case, why is she even saying it in the first place?

4. She has called fans "stupid", and justifies her "stupid behavior" because she wants to show how "stupid" everyone else is. Moreover, she implies that ANYONE who supports NaruSaku (which I do not, by the way) is STUPID, and she wants to show how STUPID this pairing is and people who SUPPORT it. She has said so in underhanded comments SEVERAL TIMES.

5. Other users have responded in the SAME EXACT way I have. My initial response was that I took offense, that I was insulted, and that by the OP acting stupid, she was being intentionally disrespectful. redbrunja stated the same exact thing here or when flibbergibbet says it here, but only I was the one who received an "official" warning? How is this fair? industrialgirl1 flat out tells the OP to take her stupid out of the comm, but she doesn't get an official warning, but an unofficial one. She also thinks the same thing everyone else is thinking.

While you might not be interested in shutting down the conversation, I do not see how none of you are missing the personal attacks that are rife throughout this post and its comments being made by the OP.

i don't understand this, wtf is this shit, argh, wtf, people are so stupid, fail

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