OMFG... my 3.5 month old $400 [!!!] motherboard has just died.... It started getting twitchy last week...not that I knew this at the time, I just thought that Windows was getting a bit creaky & required a re-install. 4gb of new ram & a [legit :o] copy of XP x64 later [just for the hell of it] it's all running sweet...or so I thought. Nine days later, 2 unexplained Windows lock-ups progress into a complete refusal of the motherboard to even POST. Now it has to be RA'd...they say 3-4 weeks...I don't believe that for a second,'s 2 months of me having to use the lappy & not being able to play GTA4 or Fallout.
And no...I hadn't overclocked the crap out of it...that was still to come :S
Not.Fucking.Happy :/