[p a n t s u _ s t a f f u]

May 06, 2006 14:52

Welcome one, welcome all!
~sub_is_message is open for business~

I'm sure you all know what that means, but in case the excitement has affected you too much, I'll recap. Herein you shall find previously shared w-inds. clips with an added bonus ...subtitles!!! Yes, you heard right, Pantsu Staffu are proud to present a w-inds. fansubbing group!

Please enjoy your stay and feel free to friend the community for updates, this is a public group so there is no need to become a member to access the joy that only w-inds. can bring. *_*

- endless_street -
Hello everyone! This is the head mod speaking and my name is B.B.
On the day of March 22, 2006 I made a post in several communities looking for people who would be willing to create this community with me. I had wanted to create this a long time from now but had always thought I was being ridiculous. Finally, I got the courage to make a post ready for bashings and instead my first comment I got was from hikaruchi (one of my lovelies on my flist <33) where she gave me a huge boost of self-esteem. I then went around asking people who I thought should join and everything fell into place. By the end of the day I had my whole staff ready and working! Thus, PANTSU STAFFU was created, thanks to shabzilla for thinking up this name because Ryuichi's pantsu=pwnage <333. Then hikaruchi thought up our community name sub_is_message which is so clever and adorkable! Totally love our names and them ZOMFG <333. I would ramble on about the pantsu_staffu but my intro post is starting to look really long. so to finish it off Keita is total smexiness! *dies*

- hikaruchi -
Hi hi! I'm Karu, the group's timer, typesetter, sub-mod and wannabe kick-ass martial artist. :D I guess it's my responsibility to apologise for the cringeworthy group name, but I figure it's so lame in its punniness it somehow makes it not a bad name? ☆ And hey, it's dorkish like the w-inds. boys themselves, so it all works out~♪ Fangirling over w-inds. (and Ryuichi's crotch) aside, my other major kick has me obsessing over One Piece and Zoro/Luffy. :D ♥♥♥

- shinigamitabris -
*waves* erm, ello. tabris here, but i'll answer to shi, tabs, alli, and a bunch of other things. except tabby. *eyes the_0live* anyways, we're finally opening! i know you've been waiting for a while, but my procrastination habits seem to have infiltrated the group this is it. :D i do the ripping, video editing, and encoding for the group, some of the uploading and the initial seeding over at jpopsuki, and graphics for the layout and banners. this mostly involves me arguing with adobe premiere (since photoshop seems to actually like me, but has yet to convince premiere to cooperate) and taking multiple breaks to keep me from hurting my laptop. which ends up with scan spams most of the time. especially when chibi!keita or pantsu!ryu are involved. or skirt!ryu. or bendy!ryu. or blonde!ryu. or long-hair!ryu. or ryu failing at soccer. or ryu being all 'phwoooooooooar! *headbangs*...

- shabzilla -
ぷう です! シャバナ です! :O

Hai hai, here be the Wentz Shabz! So, what do I contribute to the Pantsu Staffu? Layouts for staff, icons, banners and graphics extrodinaire. Co-mod duties, I like to annoy people, make rules and official posts and generally abuse the power spazz about. My greatest accomplishment so far, the sub_is_message interests, with help from the rest of Pantsu Staffu!

When I'm not Pantsu-ing, you can find me spazzing over Jboys and making bad bad icons. Latest obsessions include: RyoTei, Shun, Shota, Hana Yori Dango, Yamapi in Kurosagi and Ryuichi's foofy hair.

- arashiangel -
Hey hey~ (^_^)o

I'm Teej, the one who watches w-inds. clips over and over and over... *w-inds. overload* I mean one of the translators on the team! I'll be trying my hardest to bring you guys good translations so you can understand their talking, mumbling and screaming! I'm still learning the language, but don't worry! I do everything to make sure they're accurate and understandable (and they can only get better!) If I'm not getting distracted by w-inds. I'll be getting distracted by Ryohei and his cuteness/manliness(it DOES happen)/hair/breakdance moves/crotch thrusting/dancing/What-ARE-you-doing-Keita/Ryuichi... as well as making the worst J-boy jokes known to Earth. Beware, it will get worse, especially after the names of the comm and staff were invented... actually shockingly those weren't me but just as mad staff members~

And with that I will say I hope Ryu enjoy the comm, carry on being DediKeitad to w-inds. and enjoy Ryoselves!!!

- bluntedge -

Hello, Twiggy here~ ♥ I help with translations (though I'm not too good with my vocabulary). And stuff. I entertain the rest of the staffu with my rapier wit. Okay, actually I'm probably the most expendable member of Pantsu Staffu. XDDD" But I do my best? Anyway, you will never meet a bigger Ryuichi fan than me even though there are thousands who would claim otherwise =X. I like pants. And chicken. And crack. I also like trees, and I talk to them sometimes, but they don't usually talk back. w-inds. is love.

- nightflight -
R-Y-O HEY! I'm Ri, one of the translators for the team. In my spare time, I enjoy long walks on the beach, heated arguments with relative clauses, collecting irritatingly cute mass-produced plushies, and terribly campy television. Mainly, though, I just enjoy w-inds. 8D I'm probably the newest member of the team by a long shot (although maybe not by the time you read this? maybe? perhaps? no, no, I probably still am. Where's my n00b hat? does it come in red?) but I really hope to be able to help bring tons of cracked goodness to the eyes, ears, and, yes, even hearts of all you w-inds. fans out there. I am also the self-appointed protector of Ryohei Chiba's fantastic lip-gloss collection. One day, the pink shall rise again.

- faint_sketch -
I don't like having to do introductory posts... Can someone do it for me? No? ._.

Me? I'm a typesetter, just like hikaruchi! Well, maybe just a trainee. She does most of the work, while I just watch from afar and laugh I'm just learning-ish. I'm getting the hang of it, though! If you're lucky, you might see me actually do more work in the future >:] Oh, and don't mind the crack-ish comm/staff names (and the CRAZY userinfopage >_>)-- our staff is full of loopy people. I'm the normal one ^_~ And... I'm off~!

- tierasa -
I'm the one and only Rasa. It's my job to feed the lovelies their daily amount of smut and help them de-stress when necessary. XD I also am the official uploader, so I get to make sure you are able to download the clips as necessary. :) I'm a Ryu fangirl. Worshipper of the pink couch, addicted to Ryu's pantsu, and easily distracted by shiny chains hanging on boys' hips.

- the_0live -
the_0live here... they said i could come out of my cage if i played nice and introduced myself. i'm the official manbitch and unofficial official take-things-out-of-context-and-run-with-it person. basically i take the projects that the group has put all of their heart and sweat into and turn them into pointless crack.


*runs back into cage*
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