Jan 13, 2007 13:20
Today's my birthday! The only landmark ages left are all multiples of five XD. Last year I went out drinking with a friend because duh, that's what you do when you're twenty-one! But this year I think I'll just stay home and relax. Steve's coming over in about an hour to cook lamb (though this is actually a coincidence) which should be pretty nice...I haven't seen him in a while and we have a lot to catch up on. I thought about asking a few other people over but the more I thought about it, the more it seemed like a terrible idea. ^^; Practically all my friends here are guys who don't know each other -- I know them on a one-to-one basis.
I got a card from my parents...IN JAPANESE. XD; The front has "birthday" and some polite words on it and I can't read the inside at all. But it doesn't matter, the spirit's there anyway. Though this might be reading too much into it, I think this is my mother's way of saying that she and dad support me no matter what crazy weird stuff I'm into (you should see the clothes they got me for Christmas). Normal parents probably come out and SAY these things but my mother is really, really easily embarrassed.
...Yeah, I get it from her. ^^; The decent thing to do would be to call and tell her straight that I understand what she's trying to say. But...I'll probably end up coding it into the linear notes of the mix CD I give her instead. It's sort of sad but we really do (mis?)communicate in code.
The real news of this post is that along with the card, I got a Nintendo DS and Phoenix Wright. (See, code does work!) I've been playing all morning and I'm on the last day of case three. This game is hilarious but at the same time, so frustrating, omg what do you mean it's not enough to prove that the prosecution's key witness is lying?! Whatever happened to reasonable doubt?! Not to mention all the times when you can figure out what must have happened, but not which buttons to press to get the story to advance ;_;.
More later, shower now. XD cutting it close, here.
real life