It's hard to watch, of course, nothing but self-congratulatory speeches and minority guest speakers offering empty praise. Every time anyone says anything concrete, it's wrong. Or just one-sided. These conventions were never meant to please anyone but the campaign contributors, anyway.
CNN says that Democrats dislike John Kerry's (non)stance on the war. We supposedly want him to take a more black-and-white-out-for-blood approach. Which is true, but that was Howard Dean's spiel and it certainly didn't work for him. I'd personally settle for someone with convictions that somewhat match with mine.
On a lighter note, there's a livejournal community dedicated to slashing him and Edwards together:
johnxjohn. And. That. is. SO. Wrong. Arg, why am I taking this all so seriously?! Must lighten up.
I've been trying to read Sandman, but it's hard. No, not because the art on the earlier issues is so awful - I think that adds atmosphere. Because the main character looks just like Neil Gaiman. What is up with that? It's so weird! Also, his mask is the head of H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulu.
Thank-you note for my aunt, who gardens. It's been years since I've seen a wheelbarrow. Or an old lady with lips like that.
Damn I'm bored.