Feeding the Addiction

Jun 01, 2004 22:55

I've actually finished another chapter of that Naruto fanfic thing, but in a rare display of restraint, I won't be posting it here in until tomorrow. I figure I'll give it day, look it over in the morning without the headache, sort of thing. In the meantime, and because I have no illusions about the quality of my own writing, here's some

You ask me for fanfic recs? Then Beware, for I read fanfiction when I cannot sleep at night. Although since I've never kept track of any of it, I can't help but feel that I'm missing some good ones here. Ah, well, here you go, the ones I remember:

Skinless by Vanyel Ashkevron, because it's fun. Missionfic, mostly action.

Naruto Primer by Link and Luigi, because it's a classic. Probably the most famous humor fic on ff.net, although it does start out a bit slow.

First Frost by Moonsheen, because it's my favorite Naruto fanfic ever. Futurefic in a snowed-in Konoha, very atmospheric.

Attraction by gelfling, because the author's style is unique and compelling. Disturbing AU, SasuNaru, rampant demons.

At the End of All Things by silvaren, beacause I'm a sucker for SasuNaru. The way the current manga arc will end if this weren't a shonen series, dark characterizations.

Division by Sugahlei, because See Above. Demon Fox as a third character.

Uchiha Mary Sue by Mucktron, because everyone likes a good parody. Short, just what the title says.

Lessons on an Incomplete Relationship by suzukiblu, because Team 10 needs love. Threeway, sexual experimentation involving jutsus.

the Beach fics, by many people, because they represent the ultimate in Moody AU. Naruto as you've never seen it, self-consciously overdone atmosphere, Kinomaru as a main character.

And finally, Oh Baby, Oh Baby by the Badfic Fairy, because it's the best mpreg fic you'll ever read. Very subtle parody, Steinbeck references.

Wow, it's all slash. That, or parody. Eh heh heh.
And those are the recommendations I wrote up for keraha.

Also, my thoughts on current anime episodes/manga chapters , SPOILERS for Naruto episode 85, Death Note chapter 19, FMA 33:


I can't figure out what's up with Itachi. He's evil because he's crazy, but he doesn't have any diagnosable condition I've ever seen. I think he's supposed to be this guy who is just unable to experience regular emotions and who has no concept of right or wrong. Following from that, I'd assume he tortures Sasuke as some kind of an experiment in how much he can twist another person.

That's in the manga. In the anime, he does have emotions, and he tortures Sasuke because he's cruel and he likes it. I'm not sure which of those is scarier, since both are pretty creepy (that smile! ahh!), but the second one seems almost like a weakness, something Itachi developed as a result of a severe childhood trauma. And that, of course, reminds me of the fanfic that had him as the victim of an Uchiha prostitution scheme. Bad image.

Crazy villains are a little boring, if you ask me. They're a crutch for authors who can't come up with convincing character motivations. Why is Itachi evil? Because he's crazy! Why is Orochimaru evil? Because he's crazy! Why is every single villain in Tamora Pierce's Lioness Quartet series evil? Because they're crazy! This brings me to

FMA 33:

You know, I'm kind of losing interest in this series. Not in the fandom, because they remain totally cool, but in the series itself. It's odd: I'm still interested in Naruto even though I know what's going to happen, whereas FMA has had a shocking new revelation practically every episode and yet nothing's really standing out. It must be because the last 3 episodes have been nothing but fighting and confusion. Sometimes the constant conflict is bit much.

On the other hand, I was very happy when Ed and Izumi worked together against Greed. Perfect unspoken teamwork is one of those things that just always gets me going, along with confessions of secret identity and characters who keep getting back up after being knocked down.

MONSTER If I might be losing interest in FMA, I've definitely lost it for Monster. I feel kind of bad about that, because it's technically better than almost anything else I could be watching. I love the premise (surgeon gives up his career in order to operate on a boy who turns out to be an evil killer) and the art style (very retro, but smooth), but... I don't know. I really don't. Maybe it's too slow, which is the problem I had with last year's supposed "best of the season," Stelvia of the Universe. Actually, the two situations are not at all similar since I only saw one episode of Stelvia, but I'm guessing it would have been the same had I watched more.

These are all personal and probably vastly uninteresting to anyone else. Ah, well.

series:misc manga, series:misc anime, rec:fanfic, series:naruto, series:fma

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