I decided to finish Clea (final book in Lawrence Durrell's Alexandria Quartet) instead of Anathem. Hard to discuss this series without giving away key plot points but I will try.
Justine: See
previous post.
Balthazar, Mountolive, Clea - see Justine first )
Still think Justine liked him because he belittled her. The thing with Da Capo - where he told her she'd probably enjoyed her rape and possibly even invited it - just confirmed her in her lifelong low opinion of herself, I think, so that she could embrace her own sense of herself instead of vainly struggling to replace it with a foreign version invented by other people. But that's just a hunch.
Still think Melissa was a Pale Thin Girl. Still apologize for the reference.
There was something about Avaril's relationship with Semira... but I'll have to look it up again, I don't remember.
I don't really think it's a "problem". I can accept ambiguity in art, honest! Just trying to find something to talk about. The suicide is one of only a few major events repeated in all four novels - and it's the only one, I think, which has a different explanation in every novel.
Yeah, perhaps there is no answer, or only the one you like the best.
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