I hope everyone had a very happy retail holiday!
Christmas post @ the RL journal.
The books I got this year were:
Death of a Writer by Michael Collins. Does Collins realize that it is possible to introduce a new character or piece of scenery, etc, without immediately launching into that thing's entire history?
The Egyptologist by Arthur
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Oh, I have to go read Yuletide. There are so many wonderful fics on that site. And s2b2 too. Only read one so far. *sighs* So much reading to do!
If you can only read one fic and have seen The Prestige, you should read that one. But World's Fair and Christingle are absolutely amazing as well. A-Typical is funny but I question how many Shuuji/Akira fics you (by you I mean "I") can read before they all start to sound the same. The crossover is a crossover. (<3 crossovers! I love the character voices.) Finally, Everything Changes is fun and easy reading, and I agree with the author of Equilibrium that Takuya is WAY better.
ETA: Oh wait, I know His Dark Materials. I'll check that out sometime when I'm not drowning in fic. <3
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