The good news is that my uncle (and my aunt's mother) are going to be fine. The bad news is that if I don't find a job by next week, I am in eminent danger of being co-opted into watching my hyperactive cousin on a REGULAR irregular basis.
I have a burning desire to discuss the family situation but I sure as hell am not going to do it online or through text. *stares at phone* Pick up, pick up.
A. linkblog of Gravitation fame.ë @ uncyclopedia, from the
same person who wrote the
hilariously accurate Bleach article. (Help, I'm in danger of becoming an embarassing fangirl.) I think it's a little unfair to use Hayao Miyazaki as an example in that article, though, considering he's completely opposed to Moë-I-mean-
Moé."An educational Affair" -- Snape/Harry fanfic. The BEST Snape/Harry fanfic ever written. XD
B. meme
Instructions: go to and look up your ten favorite movies. Pick three Plot Keywords from each, then post the keywords along with these instructions, and see whether anyone else can guess the movies.
1. Heist, Fast Motion Sequence, Unintelligible
2. Marseilles France, Brooklyn New York, Chase <-- still un-guessed.
3. Fraternity, Mental Institution, Alternative Timeline
4. Waitress, Infidelity, Multiple Outcomes
5. Sunglasses, Prison Planet, Sequel to Cult Favorite
6. Erotica, Bibliophilia, The Devil
7. Telephone Booth, Altering History, School Project
8. Conspiracy, Cryptology, Former Best Friends
(Couldn't decide which movies to pick for numbers 9 and 10.)
Answers (first-come-first-served):
b_hallward - Snatch.
v_voltaire - The Butterfly Effect
b_hallward - Sliding Doors
falxumbra - The Chronicles of Riddick
b_hallward - Ninth Gate
v_voltaire - Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
v_voltaire - Sneakers
C. old entry
I have folders for unposted entries: draft (earlier versions of posts which have since found their way onto livejournal), list (wip lists for things like fsts or themed fic recs), notes (notes on books etc that I need to polish up before I can post them), undecided (things I'm note sure I want to post), and old (documents I have since decided I am never going to post).
Here's something from when I had poster's block (early June):
The mental block isn't getting any better. -_-; Every time I sit down to type something or even think about typing something, I end up filled with dread. And not confront-able dread, either. It's a feeling so nebulous, I can't even say for certain that it IS fear, I just know that when it happens I feel suddenly very depressed and anxious and have a strong urge to do something, ANYTHING, else. So I read another book, write what I'm feeling down on paper (but don't transfer it to the computer -- not polished enough), get up to fix myself a snack.
This can't continue. -_-; It CAN'T. I'll go crazy. I'll gain weight! And just when the diet was really starting to pay off, too. Plus, my backlog of things to write/blog about will get EVEN LONGER.
The rest was some stuff about the story I was trying to write, which I am still "working" on. XD; But now it's not a mental block that's holding me up, but RL combined with sheer laziness.
D. (very) late thanks
v_voltaire. Val got a permanent account and transferred the rest of her paid time to me. She says it's no big deal but from where I'm standing, it looks very much like someone bought me six months of paid time. <333 Sorry, would have thanked you sooner, but I was trying to do it with fanfiction, haha.