Harry and the Potters

Jul 31, 2007 22:26

Today's Harry Potter's birthday and I saw Harry and the Potters and Draco and the Malfoys at the Ann Arbor district library. *g* It was a lot of fun! One housemate (who couldn't make it) tipped off another (fledermauskid) who could and we went together -- though the library is, like, two blocks from my house, so I probably would have heard the concert regardless.

Draco and the Malfoys had more songs that were...songlike (you know, 2-3 minutes long, with full lyrics). They played eight songs off their first CD and four songs off their second. (...oh my god, I sound like a fan.) Then Harry and the Potters came on and lead an hour-long sing-a-long. XD Not that there's anything wrong with this! I mean, I have ADD too, I love 30 second songs where the audience has to add in the chorus. (If JKR ever sics her lawyers on these guys, they can totally earn a living entertaining three year-olds, that's all I'm saying.) They played an amazing number of songs too -- at least thirty, but probably closer to forty.

The concert was outdoors in the parking lot and there were probably, hmm, I'd say around 300 people there. It was a pretty good set-up -- the library wall behind the stage acted as a sort of natural amplifier, plus it kept the lot in the shade (v. important since it was SO HOT today). The lot is on a slight slope, too, so pretty much everyone had a view. Katie and I were in the second stratum -- not all the way in the back, and definitely not so far back that we were on the hill overlooking the lot, but not up in front with the people with the big foam hands who knew all the lyrics, either.

I got a CD signed by the Draco with no hair!! Plus, a notebook, and I got my picture taken. XD; I'm really not a fangirl-ish person (IN REAL LIFE ANYWAY) but what the heck, sometimes you have to live the moment.

In conclusion, Draco loves his parents very much <3.

More links!

If you're an Avatar fan, you've seen this already. If you're not an Avatar fan, why not?

Male superheroes drawn in female superhero poses. I'm linking because of the undeniable feeling I got when I saw the cyclops pose: haven't I seen this in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. XD Suddenly it all makes sense!

A book about miniature books. I'm linking because this reminded me of Tin. (Of The Vanity of Angels.)

A drug that can repress bad memories! Link c/o flyingsauce.

Transformers cosplay!! Link c/o murinae.

Sweeny Todd, directed by Tim Burton, starring Johnny Depp. \o/ LIFE IS GOOD. (link c/o coffeeandink)

Mouse gestures add on! Right-click, then draw little patterns on-screen to go back, open a new tab, close the current tab, etc. Maybe I'm just amused because I feel like I'm doing Ri Maajon out of Simoun XD.

Spatial mapping of authors. I kind of want to pick up a book by Norman Spinrad now.



Eve, I'm so sorry, I've been unforgivably slow with Elegy. WILL EMAIL YOU TONIGHT I SWEAR.

series:harry potter, rec:link, music

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