Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: The Movie

Jul 15, 2007 15:07

Here's what I thought. (Also: Best movie so far, though granted I haven't seen 2 or 4. (And also: Luna~~~!))

I met a real-life Dolores Umbridge yesterday. harumi, tenshibeautiful and I were at the Saline Celtic Festival looking through scarves when harumi put one over her head and shoulders, saying, "Look, a shroud! Isn't it cool? Although I'd never wear one." (Something like that.) The lady manning the booth apparently took this as a sign that we would agree with her: she perked up and starting telling us how sick "those people" were and how Islam was a sick cult, but what can you expect from a religion dedicated to emulating a pedophile who got off on rape and murder etc etc etc. It was creepy because she looked like someone's kindly librarian grandmother and she had this friendly smile on her face the whole time, like it didn't occur to her that she was graphically condemning 1/4 of the total world population.

Celtic Festival: The tickets were expensive. Everyone was white, and I don't even mean white in the usual sense (Eastern Europeans and light-skinned people from the Middle East count) but like, white white. (It's rural Michigan, what did you expect?) We got there a little late -- all the athletic events were already over -- but we did see some pretty good Scottish clogging, a little Irish step-dancing, and some awesome sword fighting courtesy of the Ann Arbor sword club. The maypole dance was surprisingly fun. But because this was the last day of the festival, by the time we'd gotten something to eat and wandered over toward the booths, most of the merchandisers were already packing up. Overall, I had fun, but not fifteen dollars' worth of fun.

Afterwards we went to Animania. I bought the last four raffle tickets and won...this. -_-; I swear, I can't escape this fandom, it follows me around.

Major news coming up in a bit, stay tuned.

EDIT: Meanwhile, over on v_voltaire:

Book 7 Death Pool
250 pages into Deathly Hallows - warning! spoilers!
Final reflections on Harry Potter

<333 Valerie. I haven't made it that far -- still on page 100-something, yes I know I read slow, SHUT UP -- but I couldn't resist checking out what other people were saying. So far I'm a little confused. Was that mysterious shadow the profile of certain person we all thought was dead, or wasn't it?! Maybe it's a doppleganger or a ghost? Is there a spell for that? I wished I'd re-read books 1-6 in preparation for this, like my housemates did. (Leaked text courtesy of this post.)

EDIT2: Yesterday was "pretend you've read Deathly Hallows and post fake spoilers day" -- NO, the book hasn't leaked. (If it has leaked, I haven't heard about it.)

movies:english, series:harry potter, livejournal:meme, real life

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