Sep 01, 2008 12:04
so here i am procrastinating again when i should be bullshiting my journal/paper for english.
and math homework.
and studying japanese.
oh well.
so yeah, i'm surprisingly back at school.
without suzie.
and not because that bullshit "contract" i signed with her (which, btw, she didn't follow either which means she didn't take it seriously. and she thought i wasn't being serious. bah.)
i'm trying to take actually classes this semester (english, math, japanese) and i'm taking singing again.
i know. singing. again?
after i complained about it?
i'm not going to lie, i was a little nervous going into math and english because i thought it was going to be filled with sassy 18 years olds fresh out of high school. that and i haven't taken math in three years. but it was actually alright. i might a majority of the students in those classes are 18 year olds but they seem pretty chill. well, i don't know about math since no one ever talks in that class, but english is alright.
alex, jake, and i saw radiohead the 27th.
oh man. getting out of the parking lot was a huge intense bitch, but other than that everything was amazing!
what else..
oh, alex, robert, and i saw spring awakening on the 21st!
we were going to go see it again but this time sitting on stage, but they already left san diego :(
i was originally going to see it with milo, but he bailed (loser).
maybe when they show in la i'll drive and see it again, haha.
okay, i really need to start doing shit.
you guys.
i'm super poor.
like, intensely.
i only have $13 in checking account (probably not the best amount to have).
thank fuck my paycheck is coming this friday.
too bad it'll probably be less than $200, but every little bit helps at this point.
hokay, i'm going to start doing my paper now.
peace, yo.
p.s. i was watching listening to "i want it all" from HSM3 and now it's stuck in my head all the time.
i'm excited for it to come out! hahahahaha