Well I figured I would share the good news with everyone....Will's Pregnant. We're having a baby. Naaa...I booked my schedule for next semester and I have 4 day weekends class TWR so that's fabuous. Enjoy this quiz!!!!
You scored 80 Flow of Energy, 60 Info Processing, 40 Decision Making, and 40 Lifestyle!
ENTJs make aggressive, enthusiastic partners who take their commitments
very seriously. As in other aspects of their life, they want to be the
leader in the relationship, and take on responsibility for making
things work. The are creative leaders, and are likely to have
relationships which promote constant growth and learning. Since they
are constantly scanning the environment for new ideas and things worth
learning, the ENTJ may frequently re-define the "rules" of the
relationship, although their commitment remains constant. If it becomes
very clear to them that the relationship no longer offers any chance of
growth or learning, the ENTJ will leave the situation, and not look
ENTJs are usually very successful in their careers, and usually very
good with money. This is helpful in that it may remove a lot of the
conflict which couples generate over money matters, but it may become a
problem if the ENTJ is too much of a workaholic to spend time on the
growth and development of the relationship.
The ENTJ is not naturally in-tune with the feelings and emotions of
their partners. ENTJs who allow themselves time to be alone, and
develop the introspective "feeling" side of their natures, will be
generally "softer" individuals, who are more aware of their partners'
emotional needs. However, this awareness is almost always a conscious
attempt on the part of the ENTJ, rather than a naturally occuring
characteristic. ENTJs who do not make the attempt to be aware of
others, and to value their feelings and opinions, may find themselves
in unbalanced relationships, where real communication does not take
place. These kinds of situations present a two-edged sword to the ENTJ.
They want to be in charge, but if they become so much in charge as to
stifle their partners, they will eventually become bored with the
Sexually, the ENTJ is robust, imaginative and enthusiastic. Their
natural instinct to lead will be apparent in this arena as well as
other areas of life, and they will lead their partner on creative
lovemaking adventures, where the focus is on mutual learning and
affection sharing. They're likely to expect sex on a relatively
scheduled basis.
The ENTJ does not usually have a problem with self-confidence and is
not especially emotionally needy. Although they enjoy being told that
they are loved and appreciated, they don't need to hear these types of
avowals as often as most other types. If they are partnered with a
Feeling type, they are probably not likely to fulfill their partner's
needs for intimate words without conscious effort. Even with effort,
the ENTJ may have problems being aware of other's emotional needs, and
they most likely won't understand those needs even if they are aware of
ENTJs approach conflict as an opportunity for growth and learning. This
is a very healthy outlook in general, but may be a problem in a close
relationship with a Feeling type. Individuals with the Feeling
preference generally detest conflict and criticism, and avoid it as one
would avoid a deadly snake. The ENTJs tendency to be confrontational
may be very threatening to a person with a Feeling preference -
especially so if they are an intimate partner of the ENTJ. An ENTJ who
has a well-developed Feeling side may work well with a partner with a
Feeling preference. Otherwise, ENTJs will probably have the most
successful intimate relationships with types which prefer the Thinking
process naturally, or who are not extremely strong on the Feeling
In general, the ENTJ has a lot to offer to their intimate
relationships. They're dedicated and enthusiastic, and willing to put
forth a lot of effort to make things work out. They take on
responsibility and accountability, and expect to be in charge. Their
relationship will be one based on mutual respect, constant growth and
Although two well-developed individuals of any type can enjoy a
healthy relationship, ENTJ's natural partner is the INTP, or the ISTP.
What is your personality type and do you match with the ENTJ? Take my other quiz:
"The Ultra Ultimate Personality Test." My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 62% on Flow of Energy
You scored higher than 50% on Info Processing
You scored higher than 0% on Decision Making
You scored higher than 62% on Lifestyle
The Soul Mate For You Test written by
zip_adeedoodah on
Ok Cupid, home of the
32-Type Dating Test