I'm doing okay so far. I get hungry, but then I eat and it's all fine. I'm just trying to be extra careful, because usually the being hungry is followed by not healing up when I hurt myself. Which is followed by old wounds reappearing, but it's been a while since I had some of those.
...Peter. The last 'old wounds' I had were the ones Amaris gave me. Spectre healed them, but what if they come back? What if I get all thin again, and the burns come back?!
Thomas, that was a long time ago. Over a year. I do hope you will be released from all this before that's even a factor... Do you think you're just here to be with James? After the wedding, you could always have Spectre bring Mary back to see if that helps?
I'm sorry. There's no possible way to describe...
Everyone you care about is fine, Thomas. I think that's all you need to know.
My best friend is going through something, and I can't help if he doesn't tell me what.
Talk about nice things. It is nice to see you, by the way. I wasn't expecting you. I see Carys brought you back early... Are you alright?
I'm doing okay so far. I get hungry, but then I eat and it's all fine. I'm just trying to be extra careful, because usually the being hungry is followed by not healing up when I hurt myself. Which is followed by old wounds reappearing, but it's been a while since I had some of those.
...Peter. The last 'old wounds' I had were the ones Amaris gave me. Spectre healed them, but what if they come back? What if I get all thin again, and the burns come back?!
Thomas, that was a long time ago. Over a year. I do hope you will be released from all this before that's even a factor... Do you think you're just here to be with James? After the wedding, you could always have Spectre bring Mary back to see if that helps?
I know. I know it'll probably be fine. And you're right, we can try that. Thank you.
My lovely wife tells me to tell you hi and 'go to bed'.
Just...will you talk when you're ready?
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