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I love this song.
Every now and then I would stop and look back at my life's journey and would think how lonely I'd be without all those people I know. I've been living half a world away from my families ever since I was 17. It's been a very transient existence. Seattle, Florida, and now from PG county MD to Rockville, MD.
I'm not sure where I'll be in a year from now, but I certainly hope that I'd find some stability in the future.
Got a few calls lately about some 100% travel jobs that will put me up in hotels near client sites for months at a time. Jobs like these would've sounded like a grand idea for me just a few years back. But now, things had changed quite a bit.
Not exactly sure if it's because I'm just getting older and more mature or just being in love with someone; Waking up at a completely foreign place, greeted by stiff hotel linen everyday after work just doesn't seem that appealing to me anymore.
Does growing up make loneliness more unbearable ?