just something to do

May 03, 2005 19:38

i'm bored right now and i have a headache.

but what else is there to do. well went to school to day and finished filling out my summer camp paper work. know i just have to get my bdu's from sergeant major. i would have gotten them after school to day but he left after third. so then history i had a test and it was gay. then i did nothing in third block. did my usual eat everyone else's lunch. that can be pretty filling. some people even started calling my the hungry kid. i don't care i eat their lunch almost every day. then i went to forth and did not fall asleep when my teacher started talking today. my neighbor has exotic birds and one of them was just making noise and it sounded like he was saying f-you that was a little strange. ya so i got some work done for once. then i can home and sat down and did nothing. then some one called me to go and pick up my check with me. he said he would drive so i said sure then he came over. he happens to be a short korean with a big head. kind of funny if you think about it. ya when he got here he wanted to play ffx for a while i said sure an hour later i finally got him off of it then we left for work to get our checks. there i got bitched at by my supervisor for not coming in to work on sunday. what do they want me to do i was in orlando. i even told them i was going to be in orlando. so they wrote me up. haha i don't care. i'm trying to get a job at the movies. then eventually i got home a gain then i ate dinner now i here doing almost nothing. later i think i will play Knights of the old republic 2 for x-box.

then a little pt sounds good ya i'm going to run to night. ok i'm starting to get a little exicted now. i'm going to go so i can run see every one later.

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