I like this. It's fun!!!
Specially dedicated to Rroselavy who bestowed me the alphabet "S"
Stop by Sam Brown.m4a This song reminds me of Old Hollywood glamour ala Grace Kelly, Humphrey Bogart. I dunno why but that's the feeling I get whenever I listen to this song.
She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5.mp3This is one of my favourite Maroon 5 songs. Poor little girl lyrics sang by the shag-worthy Adam Levine...
Save Yourself by Sense Field.m4aThis songs make me think of Gojyo.
Save You by Simple Plan.m4aThis can be Goku and Sanzo's song.
Same Script, Different Cast by Whitney Houston & Deborah Cox.mp3Angsty lyrics, great music, sang by 2 powerhouses. How can you not love it?
Edit : I wanted the post the lyrics as well but the lj cut alignment is driving me nuts. I can't stand stuff that is not aligned correctly (yeah, I'm quite anal about it) so I'll pass this time. Sigh....