Basically, comment, and I'll give you 5 things. :)
callme_al01 :
-Weddings - I love weddings! Drinks all around! In reality, a b-tch to plan, but they can be done. Prep can be fun, but also stressful. I like them when they're done. I also like going to other peoples' weddings, and I like wearing pretty dresses (inc. wedding gowns) and eating yummy food. ;) However, I *am* glad mine is over with. ;)
-Mexican food - I love Mexican food. :) I love spicy food. I love Mexican Death Peppers. I love making dinner for Cinco de Mayo for the H's. Except for the deep frying the chile rellenos bit. However, I now have a deep fryer, and so deep frying is much easier and much less messy. ;)
-Roberto - My darling. :) He's sweet, wonderful, handsome, sexy, dashing, dear, everything. Geeky, nerdy and annoying. But I still love him. And I really am not going to spend too much longer here because everyone else will kill me. :P
-Watching the Season 4 finale of Doctor Who - ROSE! ROSE ROSE ROSE! That's the main bit. Also, DONNA! Whyyyyyy? And I hate Martha. I dressed as Rose from the S2 finale in honour of the occasion. Mrs. H dressed as the Doctor from the Christmas Special with Ten, and everyone else just made fun of us. ;) The whole lot of us got together and watched and I squealed at all appropriate Rose and Rose/Ten points. ;) I also cried. I always do. But not *quite* as much as the S2 finale. However, I'm furious because he never said "I love you" and he meant it and he needed to and not whisper it and not fake-10 saying it... and... Yeah. I'm a big Rose/Doctor shipper. ;)
-David Tennant in a kilt - SQUEE. I hated David Tennant until I saw him in a kilt. That made me decide that he wasn't evil. Christopher Ecclestone is still better, but... omg... kilt... David Tennant... kilt... Yeah. However, Eleven in a kilt is still not gonna make me head over heels for him. :P
shadowempress :
-Needle counts - I have this unfortunate habit of constantly stabbing myself with needles and pins. I currently have three scratches visible on my hands plus a couple pin pricks. Victoria decided after continual issues with this through various sewing projects to keep count. ;) Alas, I haven't kept count myself for Legend of Neil. However, I have successfully (unsuccessfully?) topped any and all needle counts by taking scissors and cutting off part of my finger. :P Behold my glorious triumph!
-Stardust - I love Stardust. This movie was absolutely (IS absolutely) amazing. I watched it on R's insistence. I then forced Jolene and Caroline to watch. We then stole other folks (I forget the order) and made them watch and we all fell madly in love with Stardust, Captain Shakespeare, Septimus' coat, and poisoning each other's drinks. It had the best line ever, with the mouse, Yvaine and we all wish that Tristan had kept his little coat when he was a mouse. If he had, we all would have been puddles on the floor. Next time I see all my peeps we need to watch Stardust. ;)
-Dance - I love dancing. Ballet, character, flamenco, colonial and swing in particular. Absolutely love it. However, I have knee issues and so am limited. I would dearly, dearly loe to take ballroom someday. I like that Victoria and I can geek out about dancing and injuries and how it feels to dance together. ;) Something non-dancers miss out on. Y'all should all dance. *nodnod* Which reminds me, I need to learn the Zorro dance and the Laendler.
-Excess hair pins - HA! I could address this issue from many, many angles. I could address it from the number of pins needed to keep my hair in a bun for ballet when it was really long. ;) I could address it from the number of pins Victoria and I put in each other's hair for various things including pin curls. I could address it from the number of hair pins we buy for Williamsburg every year and somehow constantly lose at least half of, even when we take them directly out of our hair and put them where they belong. :P Needless to say, hair pins are excessively important and a vital part of every girl's wardrobe. ;)
-Sleep overs - Are loads of fun, depending on how many people are in the house. It's fine when it's just us for the sleep over. If there are more, I need to flee to recharge my batteries. But still. It's fun. And I don't even know how many times I've had an impromptu one at Victoria's, now... ;) But still, I don't remember if this was a sleepover or not, but... making 4 batches of gingerbread at one time in Mrs. N's bosch. Yeah. That will be something I'll never forget. ;) Also, staying up til all hours talking on the couches before we finally went to sleep... just... fun. Especially because it was a rare occasion indeed that I had them when I was younger, and even then, if I did, it was because I was being taken to the airport by friends in the morning or some other such thing.
burningstarsxe :
-Yellow crayons - I love yellow crayons! Okay. Yellow is not one of my top colours. But the finale for S6 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer when Xander references the yellow crayon and Willow and saves the world and... it's so sweet and lovely and huggable and wonderful. And I love what it represents. It's also my screenname on
Buffy-Boards. There is very little to not love about yellow crayons. It represents my love for Buffy, Angel and all things Whedon, in a way. :)
-Science fiction - I like science fiction. Well, I like Star Trek, Star Wars, Babylon 5, etc. But still. I'm also writing a sci-fi novel. It's like philosophy + science fiction + dystopia. Which I also love. I really need to crack down and get to work on it. But, I like sci-fi. I'm feeling a little... down on what to say right now... so, we're gonna pretend that I am making sense. ;)
-Ballet - I adore ballet. I love dancing it, I love watching it, I love teaching it. I love pointe shoes. I love the floating and ethereal feeling present in ballet. I love the fluidity of movement, I love the absolute freeing essence that it contains. Yeah.
-Action figures - I like to steal them. And give them whipped cream hats. ESPECIALLY give them whipped cream hats. ;) What can I say... I get on sugar highs, and it's fun. Screwdrivers are more fun to steal. Also, action figure auditions anyone? ;) And the film I made of that? ;) We totally need to do some more at some point and this time we shall keep background noise to a minimum, and set up the camera so I can balance it on something and.... ;)
-California - California is an enigma unto itself. It has a sucky job environment right now and is officially broke. However, California is pretty, sunshiney and has lovely weather. Also, it has enabled me to meet Felicia Day and Sandeep Parikh and I'll now get to go to Comic*Con. ;)