so life goes on.

Apr 09, 2009 20:52


i feel like updating this blog a little to show that i still exist and yet, it seem like i've nothing in particular to blog about.
week 12 is over and next week is week 13 already, meaning that it's the last week of school before the one week study break.
was looking at the calendar today and i realised that in a month's time, i'll be done with exams! :D
and the nearer exams seem to be, the lazier i get.
like as if i need some petrol recharge before i get myself going again.

nothing's interesting going on lately but then i went to watch  おくりびと on tuesday.
and most unfortunately, i ate *** burger before that and i think my stomach couldn't take it or what.
for the first hr of the show i feel like there's butterflies in my tummy and i finally couldn't take it and went to LS twice.
so practically i wasn't really concentrating on the movie but on my stomachache instead.
sobbbbbbbbbb. feel so dui.
i'm going to rent vcd or something when that show is out again.
and, i want to watch ハンサムスイト too! anybodyyyy?

hai. i have no idea why but lately  i seem to be quite sick of singapore.
feel like going somewhere for long. like some summer programme or something.
but then again, couldn't be able to do that this sem cos of my internship.
and this may to aug hol is going to be my last summer hols suppose i'm not taking honours!
and that goes back to the big decision- honours or no honourssssss??????????????!!!
seriously, i sometimes doubt my ability to cope but it feels like i haven't been max-ing anything yet. and the thought of going out to work for your whole life is jus sian.

aiyahs. whatever.
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