Apr 24, 2013 18:04
1. Read an AU Hobbit fic where Gandalf's last name was Grey. As in Gandalf Grey. My mind went totally blank for a moment and then I was all... OMG what if he's related to Christian Grey. I refuse to even acknowledge I know anything about that drivel, but good grief. Fortunately Gandalf only wears about four shades of the color...
2. I was so convinced The Walking Dead was turning into crap, I didn't actually even watch most of it when it aired. Had a boring weekend, so watched the whole show from the beginning and whut? That show rocks (not counting a few things but never mind them). Also, why is there so few Daryl/Rick fics? Why?
Also, Daryl needs a haircut.
3. Am so bored with TV right now... There was no Criminal Minds this week... Everything is so boring.... Waah...
4. Watching movies with a friend is always dangerous. King Kong was still superb, the Eagle.... Well, it had nice scenery, good music, and it was gayer than most gay movies, so yay.
5. I seem to be in a weird rut. Watched the Avengers, had about ten fic bunnies, wrote them down and never finished anything. Watched the Hobbit, had about ten fic bunnies, wrote them down and never finished anything. Re-watched the Walking Dead, had about ten fic bunnies and so on. I need to stop watching stuff, writing down stuff or maybe I just need to stop whining. I suggest the last option!
6. Movies! Iron Man! Star Trek! Hunger Games! Hobbit! Is everything this year a sequel? I do not care!
7. At least managed to start revising a certain megafic so I could finally post it in AO3. One part done. Four to go. Please send some chocolate, naked men or mental health. As in 5. I think the last option would suffice...