I really shouldn't go to movies anymore. Everything's just too much.
Do I even have to spell it out that this post is insanely heavy on spoilers?
- no need for slash goggles. The train sequence was hilarious, but the waltzing was way over the top.
- and now they found the focus of things. In the first movie, Sherlock was all over the place. Now he was sharper, more believable and deadly.
- not a big fan of killing the female characters, I'm still glad of what they did to Irene Adler. She was a good character, but her death made things actually better.
- the wedding scene. OMG I knew it'd be.... well, yeah, I have issues. Big ones. And all that happiness and then... yeah. What do you mean I have issues?
- Okay, the whole train sequence was just insane. Totally insane. Holmes in ugly drag was still kinda hot, and did they have to make him and Watson wrestle like that, with Holmes' thighs wrapped around Watson? Did they? Oh. They did?
- blah blah PLOT! blah blah OMG WATSON IS SO CUTE! blah blah HOLMES YOU IDIOT! blah....
- *repeats* I do not have a kink that involves manpain and meat hooks. I do not have a kink that involves manpain and meat hooks. I have not watched a certain scene of the Last King of Scotland because I have a kink on manpain and meat hooks. I have not....
- I just lied.
- lots of slow mo and it was making my head hurt. Kind of too much stuff here and there. Run my pretties run. Oo a donkey!
- The damn waltzing. It was kind of like Jack on Jack in Torchwood, though even more annoying. Not that I'm actually complaining.
- I'll cut the ending and the squee in parts here:
a) the chess game and then the planning were well done. It showed the two sides of the same coin.
b) dear Watson! he's learned so well!
c) yeah we knew what would happen, right?
d) *sigh* the fact that Holmes looks up, sees Watson enter the balcony and then closes his eyes and doesn't open them again just broke my black heart. And the look on Watson's face? I have the urge to write stupid cliched drabbles about that scene! That's how much I loved it.
- the funeral continued to do the heart breaking.
- The End? ;) As if. There'll be at least one more...
- Oh, and did I mention, Stephen Fry naked? STEPHEN FRY NAKED!!!! There.
I can't decide if I am amused by this or if I just love it without any brain activity. Probably both.
Now I need to find fic. Or read Yuletide stuff. Or... Sleep?