Friday January 18th, 2013

Jan 19, 2013 00:11

BUFFY: Everybody, this is Rona.
EVERYONE: Hi. Hi, Rona.
ANDREW: Hey, Rona.
XANDER: Hey, Rona.
RONA: Um... why is that guy tied to a chair?
XANDER: The question you'll soon be asking is, "Why isn't he gagged?"
GILES: Molly, why don't you show our new houseguest where the kitchen is. I'm sure she's hungry after her travels.
MOLLY: Fair enough. I'm a bit peckish meself.
RONA: (to Anya) Bit what as well?
ANYA: That's English for "hungry."
RONA: (to herself) Oh, here I thought "hungry" was English for "hungry.

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