Friday November 16th, 2012

Nov 16, 2012 23:53

PRINCIPAL WOOD: We'll sort of feel our way around. Some students will be sent to you, and others, I'm hoping, will start to come in on their own.
BUFFY: What if they don't? Should I panic?
PRINCIPAL WOOD: You'll be surprised, Buffy. You're the youngest, and, uh, least stuffy member of this faculty. I think the students are gonna want to come in and talk to you. And when they do, don't evaluate them. Just listen. They need to feel like there's someone around here who actually understands them.
BUFFY: (excited) Can I give detention?
PRINCIPAL WOOD: OK by me. A little authority can be a wonderful thing. Just remember that while you are here to help, you're not here to be their friend. Trust me, you open that door, and these students will eat you alive.
BUFFY: You heard about Principal Flutie, right?

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