Hands as Words [Chapter 5]

Aug 19, 2015 00:13

Title: Hands as words
Pairing: Matsumoto Jun  x OC
Rating: G
Genre: AU - Romance
Disclaimer: I don't own Arashi...or maybe I do, who knows?
Summary: Shizuka is deaf. Jun's strongest point is his ability to talk.
                She starts working in his building, just when he was thinking about giving up in the romance field.
                The important thing is that they are both curious about each other. There is time to learn how to communicate.

“So you invited her out?”
“I did”
“So you like her”
“Very much” Nino nodded to himself, taking a portion of chocolate pudding from the food counter. “But this time you are inviting her out…”
“To ask her to be my girlfriend” Jun talked with confidence, which amused Nino. And he liked to be amused. They sat at their usual table, and Nino was pleased again, by Jun’s head looking around the room, searching for Shizuka “Don’t need to hurt your neck Jun-kun, Shizuka will not be here today, Oh-chan took her and her team to a meeting and he was going to invite them for lunch” Jun wasn’t that disappointed, in that way, the date will be more exciting. “I’m glad Jun-kun, I’m sure Shizuka likes you too”
“I hope so, otherwise I made a really bad move this morning” Nino gave him a concerned look, suddenly Jun though that she didn’t had just one overprotective friend with big brother issues. “I just kissed her on the cheek!” Nino rolled his eyes and took the first bite of food “Are you 5 years old?”
“No, but you told me to take things slow, and I did, and it worked, so I plan to keep doing it, so yeah, just a kiss on the cheek, in the subway”
“Aww, so romantic, you are such a drama queen Jun” Jun threw him a piece of bread and decided to ignore Nino and started thinking about the date.

Shizuka was in her way back to the office when she got an awaited message [ Sorry for my sudden acts this morning, but as I said, we have a date tonight. So what about my place, I will cook for you] Shizuka’s heart went in to a sudden rampage. She took 2, 3 and 4 deep breaths and wrote down her answer [Sounds perfect, tell me the time and I’ll be there, with candles, just in case] The answer came immediately [Don’t worry, I called the electricity company and told them to not even think about ruin my date. Be there at 8. And bring the candles, so we can have a nice atmosphere. See you ] Great!  She would be able to go home and change clothes. She answered back with a ‘Looking forward’ and started thinking about what she would wear.

She went for a simple double denim outfit with a vintage black belt and black pumps. Her red hair braided to the side and her lips in a light shade of pink. She didn’t use her usual red lipstick, she didn’t want to leave red stains in Jun’s lips.
Yeah, that was her attitude for the night.
She rang Jun’s bell at 8 o’clock. Jun opened the door wearing a white shirt, sleeves rolled up, three buttons undone and black pants under a black apron that made her wonder why Jun wasn’t a chef. She would wonder the same later, after take the first bite from her Seared Lamb Chops with Olive Chimichurri. Jun invited her in, gesturing a ‘Welcome’ and helping her taking out her light coat and her shoes. “You look very good with that apron, it really suits you” She said, just stating the obvious. Jun smiled shyly, her favorite smile. He pulled her inside his house, passing a hand around her back. His house had the same structure of her house. Two floors, not too big, not too small. Cozy, bright and elegant.
Like him.
He gave her free will to walk around meanwhile he served the plates. He had a big television hanging from the wall surrounded by frames with different pictures from friends and family. A tall bookshelf with only classics, especially Japanese authors. She smiled at the  worn out copy of Haruki Murakami’s Dance. Dance, Dance. It was one of her favorite’s books too. She was going through his selection of discs when Jun patted her shoulder and invited her to the table.  On the table, a bottle of wine, simple white tableware and two salad bowls that were very familiar too her “I did those!” She blurt out, too happy for some reason - Really? -
- Yeah, I designed them last year for Ideas at Home - Jun fetched a notepad from a small cabinet next to the dinner table and wrote down in high speed [I bought them there!, they are very good because they are deep so the lettuces or the beans don’t fell from it, but is still elegant, and the clear color brings up the color of the vegetables] That’s was just why she made it like that, and Jun got it.
As a gentleman, Jun pulled out her chair and helped her sit at the table. For her surprise, he sat next to her. The notepad in between.
Shizuka never had better food before. Not only it was delicious, it felt also light, aromatic, and it had a warm and familiar taste, as your mom’s porridge. She couldn’t stop prizing it, and Jun looked honestly embarrassed, but happy.
Shizuka was pleasantly surprise of how Jun’s hands gestured more and more words. The notepad stood there in the middle for a lot of time. He was a good and a fast learner apparently.
They enjoyed the delicious apple and blueberry crumble that Jun prepared sitting at a wicker couch in Jun’s garden. It was tiny, but Jun had taken care of the grass and apparently he liked flowers, so the view was very pleasant. [How’s dessert?]
[Delicious, very comforting, and the view is very pretty, and the company even more] Jun laughed at her comment [I’m glad, I could say the same about you]
[Well, I’m glad, but your pretty company is about to do something not pretty at all ] Jun looked at her expectant. Shizuka leaved the plate next to her, laid more comfortable on the couch and brought both of her hands to her tummy, making big circles “I’m so full!” Jun cracked up next to her, grabbing his own stomach, tearing up a little bit. They looked at each other, still laughing, full of wine, lamb and sugar. Jun’s joyful face changed suddenly. His smile started to fade slowly, and she saw resolved on his face. He grabbed the notepad and wrote down a simple phrase [Do you want to go out with me?] Shizuka knew what he meant, but that didn’t stop her [I have some work tomorrow but…] Jun was reading over her shoulder, and took the notepad again when he saw what she was writing [No, I mean go out as dating, romantically] Shizuka looked up at him, her hands  shaking a bit, she was starting to get nervous. It would be hard to write, even gesture would be hard. So she spoke “I really want to date you, romantically” Jun’s smile bright up the garden. He leaned in to her space, and Shizuka met him halfway. His hand went to her cheek moved to cradle the back of her head, caressing her nape, and his other hand found a comfortable space in her left hip.  Shizuka passed her arms around Jun’s frame, moving closer to him, pressing their lips even more. Sticking her chest to his.
The kiss was slow, overly sweet, and delicate. Jun’s lips tasted like cinnamon and sugar, and his tongue, that shyly caressed her lower lip, was soft and send an electrifying shiver through her body. She wished she could be aware of the rest, Jun’s back, his smell, his soft breathing, but it was impossible. She had been staring to his lips way too much, and now, it was all she could feel.  Those sinfully gorgeous lips, which could only bring her beautiful words, despite the fact she couldn’t heard them. Jun tightened his embrace and moved apart from her lips, dropping a last kiss in the corner of her mouth. Jun was blushing faintly, but his eyes were showing a high amount of accomplishment. ‘You got the girl Matsumoto, congratulations’ She joked internally, giggling at her own words “What?” She saw him mutter. She shook her head, and slowly moved her hands from Jun’s back to his chest, taking her time to feel his muscles jump under his clothes, to finally rest her hands on his shoulders. She came closer to him, resting her cheek against his, her mouth close to his hear “Tell me what I want to know” She whispered in Jun’s hear, feeling him jolt.
His breath was steady when he moved away from her, just a bit, and grabbed her hands posing them on his neck. Jun stared straight at her eyes, caressing the back of her hands with his thumbs and dropping a couple of soft kisses on her welcoming lips "I like you, so very much" Shizuka felt the vibrations on his neck, accompanying the hypnotic movement of his lips. This time she was the one dropping kisses along his lips, because now she could, and she would take advantage of it. But Jun’s low growl told her that he was waiting for something “Me too, so very much” She whispered against his lips. Jun fingered the sides of Shizuka’s mouth and brought his wide smile to her lips, going for a new round of kissing. She felt the hair of her arms stood on its end. And she was now aware of everything, his touch, the smell of his perfume, his strong hold and the smooth skin beneath her palms.
After a while, a long while, they came down from the kissing cloud. Shizuka’s lips were tingling, and Jun’s hands refused to leave her body. Now they both had a lot to say, so the notepad that had been forgotten for the last 30 minutes came back to action. They sat very close to each other, she kneeled on top of the couch and brought Jun to her side, passing her left hand around Jun, stroking the back of his neck tenderly. Matsumoto welcomed her embrace with a blissful smile and they exchanged word after word until Shizuka started to feel tired.
And Jun walked her home, holding her hand and kissing her head from time to time.

pg-13, junxoc, multichapter

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